Lone Ranger Wiki

From 1933 to 1956 the Lone Ranger rode the radio waves. One of the most successful radio programs in history, the Lone Ranger produced over 3,000 broadcasts.

List of Radio Episodes[]

33/01/31 1 Ezra Holten Nearly Loses A Claim
33/02/02 2 Jeb Is Framed For Murder Charges
33/02/04 3 The Building Of A Church
33/02/07 4 Railroads Being Built
33/02/09 5 A Contract Is Made
33/02/11 6 Helping A Wronged Man
33/02/14 7 Lone Ranger Helps The Law
33/02/16 8 Jim Is Accused Of Stealing Cattle
33/02/18 9 A Forest Fire
33/02/21 10 Restoring Faith In The Law
33/02/23 11 Bad Bill And The Cactus
33/02/25 12 Tonto Is Found
33/02/28 13 Crooked Men Try To Steal A Mine
33/03/02 14 Old Prindle Loses His Land For Taxes
33/03/04 15 A Girl Is Sold To The Highest Bidder
33/03/07 16 Wheat Field Are Set On Fire
33/03/09 17 A Pony Rider Turns Crook
33/03/11 18 A Man Fights His Girlfriend's Brother
33/03/14 19 Three Men Accused Of Murder
33/03/16 20 Tavish And The Bank
33/03/18 21 A Silver Bullet Spoils A Plot
33/03/21 22 The Ten Thousand Dollar Note
33/03/23 23 A Soldier Teaches His Son The Bayonet
33/03/25 24 A Woman Cattle Rancher
33/03/28 25 Purchased Votes
33/03/30 26 A Man Accused Of Murder
33/04/01 27 Worthless Land Is Bought For Gold Mining
33/04/04 28 The Hanford-Beebe Fued
33/04/06 29 The Community Meeting
33/04/08 30 Man Accused Of Thievery
33/04/11 31 The Cork Leg
33/04/13 32 The Red Berries
33/04/15 33 The Snakes Mark
33/04/18 34
33/04/20 35
33/04/22 36
33/04/25 37
33/04/27 38
33/04/29 39
33/05/02 40
33/05/04 41
33/05/06 42
33/05/09 43
33/05/11 44
33/05/13 45
33/05/16 46
33/05/18 47
33/05/20 48
33/05/23 49
33/05/25 50
33/05/27 51
33/05/30 52
33/06/01 53
33/06/03 54
33/06/06 55
33/06/08 56
33/06/10 57
33/06/13 58
33/06/15 59
33/06/17 60
33/06/20 61
33/06/22 62
33/06/24 63
33/06/27 64
33/06/29 65
33/07/01 66
33/07/04 67
33/07/06 68
33/07/08 69
33/07/11 70
33/07/13 71
33/07/15 72
33/07/18 73
33/07/20 74
33/07/22 75
33/07/25 76
33/07/27 77
33/07/29 78
33/08/01 79
33/08/03 80
33/08/05 81
33/08/08 82
33/08/10 83
33/08/12 84
33/08/15 85
33/08/17 86
33/08/19 87
33/08/22 88
33/08/24 89
33/08/26 90
33/08/29 91
33/08/31 92
33/09/02 93
33/09/05 94
33/09/07 95
33/09/09 96
33/09/12 97
33/09/14 98
33/09/16 99
33/09/19 100
33/09/21 101
33/09/23 102
33/09/26 103
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33/09/30 105
33/10/03 106
33/10/05 107
33/10/07 108
33/10/10 109
33/10/12 110
33/10/14 111
33/10/17 112
33/10/19 113
33/10/21 114
33/10/24 115
33/10/26 116
33/10/28 117
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33/11/14 124
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33/12/01 131
33/12/04 132
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33/12/11 135
33/12/13 136
33/12/15 137
33/12/18 138
33/12/20 139
33/12/22 140
33/12/25 141
33/12/27 142
33/12/29 143
34/01/01 144
34/01/03 145
34/01/05 146
34/01/08 147
34/01/10 148
34/01/12 149
34/01/15 150
34/01/17 151
34/01/19 152
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34/01/24 154
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34/01/29 156
34/01/31 157
34/02/02 158
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34/03/14 175
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34/03/30 182
34/04/02 183
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34/05/02 196
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34/05/14 201
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35/01/02 300
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35/01/14 305
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35/04/01 338
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35/04/10 342
35/04/12 343
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35/05/01 351
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35/11/18 437
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36/08/26 558
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36/09/07 563
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36/09/14 566
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36/09/25 571
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36/09/30 573
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36/10/12 578
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36/11/27 598
36/11/30 599
36/12/02 600
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36/12/07 602
36/12/09 603
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36/12/21 608
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37/01/01 613
37/01/04 614
37/01/06 615
37/01/08 616
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37/01/13 618
37/01/15 619
37/01/18 620
37/01/20 621
37/01/22 622
37/01/25 623
37/01/27 624
37/01/29 625
37/02/01 626
37/02/03 627
37/02/05 628
37/02/08 629
37/02/10 630
37/02/12 631
37/02/15 632
37/02/17 633
37/02/22 635
37/02/24 636
37/02/26 637
37/03/01 638
37/03/03 639
37/03/05 640
37/03/08 641
37/03/10 642
37/03/12 643
37/03/15 644
37/03/17 645
37/03/19 646
37/03/22 647
37/03/24 648
37/03/26 649
37/03/29 650
37/03/31 651
37/04/02 652
37/04/05 653
37/04/07 654
37/04/09 655
37/04/12 656
37/04/14 657
37/04/16 658
37/04/19 659
37/04/21 660
37/04/23 661
37/04/26 662
37/04/28 663
37/04/30 664
37/05/03 665
37/05/05 666
37/05/07 667
37/05/10 668
37/05/12 669
37/05/14 670
37/05/17 671
37/05/19 672
37/05/21 673
37/05/24 674
37/05/26 675
37/05/28 676
37/05/31 677
37/06/02 678
37/06/04 679
37/06/07 680
37/06/09 681
37/06/11 682
37/06/14 683
37/06/16 684
37/06/18 685 The Forest Fire - Pt 3
37/06/21 686
37/06/23 687
37/06/25 688
37/06/28 689
37/06/30 690
37/07/02 691
37/07/05 692
37/07/07 693
37/07/09 694
37/07/12 695
37/07/14 696
37/07/16 697
37/07/19 698
37/07/21 699
37/07/23 700
37/07/26 701
37/07/28 702
37/07/30 703
37/08/02 704
37/08/04 705
37/08/06 706
37/08/09 707
37/08/11 708
37/08/13 709
37/08/16 710
37/08/18 711
37/08/20 712
37/08/23 713
37/08/25 714
37/08/27 715
37/08/30 716
37/09/01 717
37/09/03 718
37/09/06 719
37/09/08 720
37/09/10 721
37/09/13 722
37/09/15 723
37/09/17 724
37/09/20 725
37/09/22 726
37/09/24 727
37/09/27 728
37/09/29 729
37/10/01 730
37/10/04 731
37/10/06 732
37/10/08 733
37/10/11 734
37/10/13 735
37/10/15 736
37/10/18 737
37/10/20 738
37/10/22 739
37/10/25 740
37/10/27 741
37/10/29 742
37/11/01 743
37/11/03 744
37/11/05 745
37/11/08 746
37/11/10 747
37/11/12 748
37/11/15 749
37/11/17 750
37/11/19 751
37/11/22 752
37/11/24 753
37/11/26 754
37/11/29 755
37/12/01 756
37/12/03 757
37/12/06 758
37/12/08 759
37/12/10 760
37/12/13 761
37/12/15 762
37/12/17 763 The Osage Bank Robbery
37/12/20 764
37/12/22 765
37/12/24 766
37/12/27 767
37/12/29 768
37/12/31 769
38/01/03 770
38/01/05 771
38/01/07 772
38/01/10 773
38/01/12 774
38/01/14 775
38/01/17 776
38/01/19 777 Crooked Banker and Sheriff
38/01/21 778 Frameup for Profit
38/01/24 779 Silver Mine Surprise
38/01/26 780 We Better Leave Mail (Op Line)
38/01/28 781 Abilene Horse Thieves
38/01/31 782
38/02/02 783 Horse Theives Steal Silver
38/02/04 784 Must Make You Feel Sort Of (Op Line)
38/02/07 785 Contraband Liquor
38/02/09 786 The Kansas Kid and the Stagecoach Murders
38/02/11 787 Jimmy Loomis Pardon
38/02/14 788 That's It Boys, Git The Cattle (Op Line)
38/02/16 789 Come On Barkeep, Fill My (Op Line)
38/02/18 790 Panament Nash
38/02/21 791 Jim Flood's Mine
38/02/23 792 The Missing Letter
38/02/25 793
38/02/28 794
38/03/02 795 The Apache Kid
38/03/04 796 Radio: The Theft of Silver
38/03/07 797 Jim Murdock's Mine
38/03/09 798
38/03/11 799 Andy Beechum, Prospector
38/03/14 800 Homesteader Jeb Martin
38/03/16 801 Amos Franklyn, Sheepherder
38/03/18 802 Jed Garrett Tries To Clean Up Town
38/03/21 803 Pitfall Trap
38/03/23 804 Coming of Age
38/03/25 805 Revenge for Mendoza
38/03/28 806 Faked Bank Robbery
38/03/30 807 Night Stage to Dalton
38/04/01 808
38/04/04 809
38/04/06 810 The Red Part 1 aka Tonto Accused
38/04/08 811
38/04/11 812 Radio: Hooded Raiders
38/04/13 813 Reward Money
38/04/15 814
38/04/18 815 King of the Country
38/04/20 816 The Price of Wool
38/04/22 817 Murder of Pony Express Rider
38/04/25 818 A Toll in Cattle
38/04/27 819 Trap for a Gambler
38/04/29 820 Train Wreck Plot
38/05/02 821 Mine Claim Scheme
38/05/04 822 Bart Colt Gang
38/05/06 823 Kidnapped Boy
38/05/09 824 Ammunition for the Indians
38/05/11 825 Framed for Murder
38/05/13 826 New Fangled Justice
38/05/16 827 No Worse Enemy
38/05/18 828 The Man Least Suspected
38/05/20 829 Confederate Money
38/05/23 830 Cottonwood Dam
38/05/25 831 The Word of a Soldier
38/05/27 832 Border Rustlers
38/05/30 833 The Rosalinda Mine
38/06/01 834 Oil Lease Swindle
38/06/03 835 A Woman in Hacksaw
38/06/06 836 The Silver Spur
38/06/08 837 The Ranger Impersonates
38/06/10 838 The Clue of the Lazy Y
38/06/13 839 Snake Oil
38/06/15 840 The Banker Reforms
38/06/17 841 Gunning for the Sheriff
38/06/20 842 Food For Valley Center
38/06/22 843
38/06/24 844 Lone Ranger: Thief
38/06/27 845 A Deal For Soldiers
38/06/29 846 Three Against Geronimo
38/07/01 847 The Secret Land
38/07/04 848 When the Blind See
38/07/06 849
38/07/08 850 Half a Claim
38/07/11 851 The Wrong Pete Lorenzo
38/07/13 852 Signed Confession
38/07/15 853 The Horse with the Cross- J Brand
38/07/18 854 The Crawford Sisters
38/07/20 855 The Town With No Guns
38/07/22 856 Mortgage on Wheat
38/07/25 857 Branded a Coward
38/07/27 858 The Package
38/07/29 859 Women of the Wagon Train
38/08/01 860 Blame the Lone Ranger
38/08/03 861 Guilty Knowledge
38/08/05 862 Four Day Ride
38/08/08 863 Conspiracy for Revenge
38/08/10 864 The Incriminating Letter
38/08/12 865 The Treasure Trove Mine
38/08/15 866 Red Stevens Held for Ransom
38/08/17 867 Election at Buffalo Point
38/08/19 868 Crooked Sheriff
38/08/22 869 Medicine Man's Treachery
38/08/24 870 Siege of Fort Mason
38/08/26 871 Jailed for Rustling
38/08/29 872 Stolen Diamond
38/08/31 873 Land for the Railroad
38/09/02 874 Border Dope Smuggling
38/09/05 875 Forgotten Laws
38/09/07 876 The Little Red Schoolhouse
38/09/09 877 Caught Red- Handed
38/09/12 878 Reward Notice
38/09/14 879 Water Rights
38/09/16 880 The Trust of Barnaby
38/09/19 881 A Bullet For Tonto
38/09/21 882 Bad Water
38/09/23 883 Moccasin Prints
38/09/26 884 Gold Mine Boundary
38/09/28 885 Mortgage Payment Due
38/09/30 886 Trouble at Fort Gardner
38/10/03 887 A Second Chance
38/10/05 888 Water For Cows and Sheep
38/10/07 889 Red Barber Helps the Lampsons
38/10/10 890 Canyon of Danger
38/10/12 891 Wagon Train Survivor
38/10/14 892 Andy's Mule
38/10/17 893
38/10/19 894 A False Story
38/10/21 895 Children of the West
38/10/23 896 Indian Agent Kidnapped
38/10/26 897 The Deserter
38/10/28 898 A Nester Accused
38/10/31 899 Hard of Hearing
38/11/02 900 Stolen Cattle
38/11/04 901 Railroad Bridge
38/11/07 902 Trouble at the Cooley Ranch
38/11/09 903 Sheriff Vic
38/11/11 904 The Vigilantes
38/11/14 905 Deputy To Be
38/11/16 906 A Spaniard’s Pride
38/11/18 907 Campaign of Unrest
38/11/21 908 The Blue Star Mine
38/11/23 909 Stage Robbery Evidence
38/11/25 910 The Hawk
38/11/28 911 Almost A Man
38/11/30 912
38/12/02 913 Wagon Train Guide
38/12/05 914 Arizona Pete Jumps A Claim
38/12/07 915 The Origin Of Tonto
38/12/09 916 The Origin Of Silver
38/12/12 917 Missing Pardon
38/12/14 918 Rain Making Gun
38/12/16 919 Pioneers
38/12/19 920 Trapped Traders
38/12/21 921 Homestead Swindle
38/12/23 922 Three Partners
38/12/26 923 Missouri Mike's Horse Race
38/12/28 924 Sheep Killers
38/12/30 925 Reluctant Horse Thief
39/01/02 926 The False Outlaw
39/01/04 927 Lafe Custer's Cattle
39/01/06 928 Indian's Beef
39/01/09 929 When An Innocent Man Looks Guilty
39/01/11 930 The Mystery Of Apache Valley
39/01/13 931 Swindler Claims To Be Father
39/01/16 932 Wagon Train Escape
39/01/18 933 Keeping Faith With General Custer
39/01/20 934 Law Of The Custom
39/01/23 935 Enemy Of Justice
39/01/25 936 Indian Hostage
39/01/27 937 Trestle Of Death
39/01/30 938 The Making Of A Coward
39/02/01 939 Merrick's Outlaws
39/02/03 940 Election For Capitol
39/02/06 941 Johnny's Gold Mine
39/02/08 942 Texas Ranger Blackmailed
39/02/10 943 Ministers Courage
39/02/13 944 Black Caballero - Part 1
39/02/15 945 Black Caballero - Part 2
39/02/17 946 Black Caballero - Part 3
39/02/20 947 In The White House (Op Line)
39/02/22 948 Mysterious Wagons
39/02/24 949 Great Winston Repertory Company
39/02/27 950 Banker Kline
39/03/01 951 Contraband Whiskey
39/03/03 952 Snake River Dam
39/03/06 953 Mistreated Boy
39/03/08 954 Race To Cattle Market
39/03/10 955 Trail Across The Desert
39/03/13 956 Curiosity Traps The Killer
39/03/15 957 False Wagon Train Guides
39/03/17 958 Lobo Lawson's Greed
39/03/20 959 Mustang Mag Dispossessed
39/03/22 960 Mustang Mag's Cattle Drive
39/03/24 961 Mustang Mag Buys Sheep
39/03/27 962 Thad Packard's Revenge
39/03/29 963 Wellington And Osage
39/03/31 964 Ranger Jailed For Murder
39/04/03 965 Arizona Plays A Part
39/04/05 966 Trouble At Gold King Mine
39/04/07 967 Evidence Against The Lone Ranger
39/04/10 968 Caleb Bixby's Last Chance
39/04/12 969 Run On The Bank
39/04/14 970 Caleb Bixby's Mortgage
39/04/17 971 Fight Over Government Beef Contract
39/04/19 972 The Not-So-Crooked Election
39/04/21 973 Thirty Day Option
39/04/24 974
39/04/26 975 Bull Kirby Promotes A Duel
39/04/28 976
39/05/01 977
39/05/03 978 Secret Of Aztec Cave
39/05/05 979 Rustling At The Half Circle C
39/05/08 980 A Pony Express Rider Was Spurring His Mount (Op Line)
39/05/10 981 False Grandson
39/05/12 982 Bat Freeman's Supply Scheme
39/05/15 983 Pablo And The Baby
39/05/17 984 Fisheye Confesses
39/05/19 985 Women For Red Fox
39/05/22 986 Trail Of The Train Robbers
39/05/24 987 Andy's Identity
39/05/26 988 Mustang Mag And The Nesters
39/05/29 989 Black Hole
39/05/31 990 Raids Along The Border
39/06/02 991 Underground Passage
39/06/05 992 Asa Flinder's Lesson
39/06/07 993 Water Hole Rights
39/06/09 994 End Of A Feud
39/06/12 995 Amos Todd's Ring
39/06/14 996 Pedro Accuses
39/06/16 997 Blackmail For Marriage
39/06/19 998 Lame Crow's Prisoner
39/06/21 999 Plans To The Fort
39/06/23 1000 Grogan's Outlaw Army
39/06/26 1001 The Prodigal Brother
39/06/28 1002 Dusk Was Falling In The Hills (Op Line)
39/06/30 1003 The Stage Line Challenge - Part 1
39/07/03 1004 The Stage Line Challenge - Part 2
39/07/05 1005 The Stage Line Challenge - Part 3
39/07/07 1006 The Stage Line Challenge - Part 4
39/07/10 1007 The Stage Line Challenge - Part 5
39/07/12 1008 The Stage Line Challenge - Part 6
39/07/14 1009 The Stage Line Challenge - Part 7
39/07/17 1010 The Stage Line Challenge - Part 8
39/07/19 1011 Manhunt
39/07/21 1012 The Masked Outlaw
39/07/24 1013 Twenty-Five Years Of Hate
39/07/26 1014 Ben Eates' Redemption
39/07/28 1015 Trap For Three Gamblers
39/07/31 1016 Smilin' Kid
39/08/02 1017 Tobin Brothers
39/08/04 1018 A Doctor's Aid
39/08/07 1019 Gold In Forbidden Valley
39/08/09 1020 Pancho's Plan
39/08/11 1021 Abby's Murder Plan
39/08/14 1022 Pot Luck Potter's Mule
39/08/16 1023 Stolen Paper Money
39/08/18 1024 White Medicine Man
39/08/21 1025 Mine Blasts Bring Trouble
39/08/23 1026 Testimony
39/08/25 1027 Sheriff's Credentials
39/08/28 1028 Arizona's Dog
39/08/30 1029 Grubstake for Ike
39/09/01 1030 Sandy's Badge
39/09/04 1031 Breed's Shirt
39/09/06 1032 Lonesome's Map
39/09/08 1033 A Letter For Gold
39/09/11 1034 Lem Tolliver's Stolen Cash Box
39/09/13 1035 Respect For The Law
39/09/15 1036 Wagon Trail Without Guides
39/09/18 1037 Mexico - Part 1
39/09/20 1038 Mexico - Part 2
39/09/22 1039 Mexico - Part 3
39/09/25 1040 Mustang Mag's Land Option
39/09/27 1041 Breaking Bull's Silence
39/09/29 1042 The Option Exercised
39/10/02 1043 Maybe An Outlaw
39/10/04 1044 Sheepman's At War
39/10/06 1045 Evan Stoke's Property Deal
39/10/09 1046 Mrs. Endicott's Letter
39/10/11 1047 Brother's Jealousy
39/10/13 1048 Neal Butler's Stage Ride
39/10/16 1049 Young Matt Crowley
39/10/18 1050 A Question Of Evidence
39/10/20 1051 Rifles For Red Skins
39/10/23 1052 Trapped By The Hawk
39/10/25 1053 Missing : Mike Walter
39/10/27 1054 Terror Or Reign In Salinas County
39/10/30 1055 Billy - Part 1
39/11/01 1056 Billy - Part 2
39/11/03 1057 Billy - Part 3
39/11/06 1058 Brother's Love
39/11/08 1059 Jimmy Lane's Gambling Debt
39/11/10 1060 Killer, The Horse
39/11/13 1061 Threat At Three Pines Ranch
39/11/15 1062 Evils Of Tobacco
39/11/17 1063 Dam Project At Wolf Creek
39/11/20 1064 Thomas Christy's Wife - Part 1
39/11/22 1065 Thomas Christy's Wife - Part 2
39/11/24 1066 Thomas Christy's Wife - Part 3
39/11/27 1067 Water From Jones Creek
39/11/29 1068 Rustled Indian Cattle
39/12/01 1069 Tom McGraw’s Campaign
39/12/04 1070 John Barton Cattle Deal
39/12/06 1071 Stage Coach Robberies
39/12/08 1072 Note For Horses
39/12/11 1073 Sarah's Yates' Valley
39/12/13 1074 Neer-do-Wells Return
39/12/15 1075 Telegrams Across The Ocean
39/12/18 1076 Brad Wallace Took The Blame
39/12/20 1077 Snyder Strikes Back
39/12/22 1078 Brad Confesses To A Robbery
39/12/25 1079 Special Christmas Show
39/12/27 1080 Red Wolf's White Brother
39/12/29 1081 Bart Frazzenton’s Daughter
40/01/01 1082 Cattle Drive To Death
40/01/03 1083 A Small Group Of Leading Citizens (Op Line)
40/01/05 1084 Amos Foley's Cattle Gang
40/01/08 1085 An Excited Crowd Had Gathered (Op Line)
40/01/10 1086 Blame For A Brother
40/01/12 1087 Ransom For A Daughter
40/01/15 1088 Land Scrip
40/01/17 1089 Search For The City Of Gold
40/01/19 1090 Mysterious Kidnappings
40/01/22 1091 Foiling Black Fox's Hostage Plan
40/01/24 1092 Tommy Gets A Change To Make Good
40/01/26 1093 False Witness To Murder
40/01/29 1094 Cattle Scheme
40/01/31 1095 New Men At The Bank
40/02/02 1096 Gold Psychology
40/02/05 1097 Scheme To Pay The Church Mortgage
40/02/07 1098 Guardian's Greed
40/02/09 1099 Indian Land Leases
40/02/12 1100 Outlaw Brothers
40/02/14 1101 Basis For Trust
40/02/16 1102 A Doctor Redeemed
40/02/19 1103 Menace In The Mines
40/02/21 1104 Taste Of Revenge
40/02/23 1105 Job For Flash
40/02/26 1106 A Boy, A Mine, And A Baby
40/02/28 1107 Send A Killer To Catch A Killer
40/03/01 1108 Food Of The Flood
40/03/04 1109 Two Men In A Lonely Line Cabin (Op Line)
40/03/06 1110 Too Old For A Foreman
40/03/08 1111 Lone Ranger Meets Billy The Kid
40/03/11 1112 Sheriff Baldy's Outlaw Friend
40/03/13 1113 Vance Brothers vs The Ranchers
40/03/15 1114 Mustang Mag's Timber
40/03/18 1115 Swift Eagle's Treachery
40/03/20 1116 Willing To Fight
40/03/22 1117 Sioux Valley Trail
40/03/25 1118 Land For The Railroad
40/03/27 1119 Bart Hurley's Accusation
40/03/29 1120 Ezra Stoke's Irrigation Project
40/04/01 1121 Forged Check
40/04/03 1122 Guilt By Family Association
40/04/05 1123 Dan Brewer's Overconfidence
40/04/08 1124 The Rio Kid
40/04/10 1125 Gold, Prospectors, Homesteaders
40/04/12 1126 Scared Of Horses
40/04/15 1127 Lone Ranger Gives An Alibi
40/04/17 1128 Bodyguard To Murder
40/04/19 1129 A Woman's Daring To Do Her Duty
40/04/22 1130 Marked Robbery Money
40/04/24 1131 Ordeal In The Desert
40/04/26 1132 Dan Riley's Last Fight
40/04/29 1133 Jason Lang's Bad Luck
40/05/01 1134 What The, Oh, It's You Pike (Op Line)
40/05/03 1135 Klein's Finish
40/05/06 1136 Money From A Dead Son
40/05/08 1137 The Snow's Getting Deeper, Tonto (Op Line)
40/05/10 1138 An Honest Man's Dilema
40/05/13 1139 Jed Pelkey's Lost Sight
40/05/15 1140 Campaign Against Sweeney
40/05/17 1141 Tornado Justice
40/05/20 1142 Drums Of Tom Tom Valley
40/05/22 1143 You Can't Hate A Man You've Done A Favor
40/05/24 1144 Immigrant Killings
40/05/27 1145 Caught You At It (Op Line)
40/05/29 1146 Railroad Bonds
40/05/31 1147 Eureka Grove's Land Swindle
40/06/03 1148 Pablo And Maria's Rebellion
40/06/05 1149 The Ghost Of Matt Carpenter
40/06/07 1150 Bank Currency Scheme
40/06/10 1151 The Trumpet Of Victory
40/06/12 1152 Trail Ends At The Gallows
40/06/14 1153 The Man Who Would Not Die
40/06/17 1154 The Lady And The Law
40/06/19 1155 Justice At Sundance
40/06/21 1156 Silver: Stallion Of Mystery
40/06/24 1157 Lone Ranger Traps A Horse Thief
40/06/26 1158 Gone Are The Ghosts
40/06/28 1159 Hermit's Gold
40/07/01 1160 Hold Up Stagecoach
40/07/03 1161 Gunpowder Ballots
40/07/05 1162 Sheep In Wolf's Clothing
40/07/08 1163 Outlaw Valley
40/07/10 1164 A Double Masquerade
40/07/12 1165 A Rendezvous With Death
40/07/15 1166 Tonto Rides Alone
40/07/17 1167 Outlaws of the Rio Grande
40/07/19 1168 When Thieves Fall Out
40/07/22 1169 A Bullet of Silver
40/07/24 1170 A Decoy To Death
40/07/26 1171 An Outlaw Manhunt
40/07/29 1172 The Return Of The Masked Man
40/07/31 1173 Setup For Murder
40/08/02 1174 A Horse Named Toby
40/08/05 1175 A New Life
40/08/07 1176 Desert Murder
40/08/09 1177 Rangeland Vengeance
40/08/12 1178 A Pitfall For Crime
40/08/14 1179 The Floating Stagecoach
40/08/16 1180 Buried Treasure
40/08/19 1181 Outlaw Trail
40/08/21 1182 The Easterner
40/08/23 1183 The Brothers
40/08/26 1184 A Life for Sale
40/08/28 1185 The Howling Dog
40/08/30 1186 Outcasts and Outlaws
40/09/02 1187 Cow Thieves at the Kay See
40/09/04 1188 Swamp Boss
40/09/06 1189 Partners at Pistol Point
40/09/09 1190 Grubstake Leads the Way
40/09/11 1191 Chinook Totem Pole
40/09/13 1192 Leap from Ambush
40/09/16 1193 Fools Gold for the Doctor
40/09/18 1194 Mustang Mag in Politics
40/09/20 1195 The Letter Seals a Murder
40/09/23 1196 Hoofmarks to Nowhere
40/09/25 1197 The Voice from the Waterfall
40/09/27 1198 Missouri Is the Law
40/09/30 1199 Cowmen Push a Plow
40/10/02 1200 The Sheriff of Powder Bend
40/10/04 1201 Canyon Betrayal
40/10/07 1202 Rifles for Redskins
40/10/09 1203 The Pony Rider
40/10/11 1204 Placer Gold for Plunder
40/10/14 1205 The Lone Ranger Makes Big Medicine
40/10/16 1206 The Best of Friends
40/10/18 1207 The Trail to Nowhere
40/10/21 1208 The Thirteenth Notch
40/10/23 1209 Guilty or Not Guilty
40/10/25 1210 Gulch Creek Crooks
40/10/28 1211 The Silver Mine That Was Stolen
40/10/30 1212 Silk Baits a Trap
40/11/01 1213 The Son of a Killer
40/11/04 1214 Plotters in Murder
40/11/06 1215 Buzzard Bait Badmen
40/11/08 1216 Trouble for a Double
40/11/11 1217 The Trail Leads to Rustling
40/11/13 1218 South of the Border
40/11/15 1219 The Bear That Wouldn't Dance
40/11/18 1220 In the Face of Fire
40/11/20 1221 The Scarlet Arrow
40/11/22 1222 A Deal in Real Estate
40/11/25 1223 Justice for All
40/11/27 1224 The Town That Fell Asleep
40/11/29 1225 At the End of the Rope
40/12/02 1226 Chips Catch the Gambler
40/12/04 1227 Law for a Lawman
40/12/06 1228 The Race to Victory
40/12/09 1229 Land Grabber's Masquerade
40/12/11 1230 The Dog That Howled
40/12/13 1231 Lynch Law Loses Out
40/12/16 1232 The Deputy Faces Trouble
40/12/18 1233 Toll Bridge
40/12/20 1234 The Trail of the Timberline
40/12/23 1235 Peace Comes to the Frontier
40/12/25 1236 Christmas Comes to the Bar Circle
40/12/27 1237 Cash for Cattle
40/12/30 1238 Silver to the Rescue
41/01/01 1239 Trap for a Fur Thief
41/01/03 1240 Custer Rides with the Lone Ranger
41/01/06 1241 Rustlers at the Rio Grande
41/01/08 1242 Invisible Trigger Fingers
41/01/10 1243 Dead Man Imposter
41/01/13 1244 Heir to a Ranch
41/01/15 1245 The Haunted Bunkhouse
41/01/17 1246 The Pony Express Agent
41/01/20 1247 Blind Justice
41/01/22 1248 Hanged but Not Dead
41/01/24 1249 Along the El Paso Trail
41/01/27 1250 Fire in the Sky
41/01/29 1251 Ambushed Ambushers
41/01/31 1252 The Lone Ranger's Protegee
41/02/03 1253 Set a Thief
41/02/05 1254 Fools Gold
41/02/07 1255 Unlucky Strike
41/02/10 1256 On the Trail
41/02/12 1257 Hangman's Tree
41/02/14 1258 The Roundup at Coronodo
41/02/17 1259 Justice Wears a Mask
41/02/19 1260 The Law's Delay
41/02/21 1261 Swords Defeat a Duel-list
41/02/24 1262 Medicine Man
41/02/26 1263 A Ranchland Frame Up
41/02/28 1264 Doctor Buckaroo
41/03/03 1265 Autumn Torrent
41/03/05 1266 A New Leaf
41/03/07 1267 Flag in the West
41/03/10 1268 Joan of Clarksville
41/03/12 1269 Robbers on the Railroad
41/03/14 1270 Blind Leader
41/03/17 1271 The Storekeeper Stands Up
41/03/19 1272 One Nation Indivisible
41/03/21 1273 The Tax Collector
41/03/24 1274 Rustler and Son
41/03/26 1275 A Horse Changes Brands
41/03/28 1276 Slow Freight
41/03/31 1277 Trap for a Safe Robber
41/04/02 1278 Buyers Beware
41/04/04 1279 Landgrabbers Loss
41/04/07 1280 Sixty Days for Life
41/04/08 Tribute To Earl Grazer
41/04/09 1281 Homesteader's Ruse
41/04/11 1282 Ghost Town
41/04/14 1283 Work and Win
41/04/16 1284 United We Stand
41/04/18 1285 Lone Ranger Moves
41/04/21 1286 Outpost in the Desert
41/04/23 1287 Mustang Mag Grows Grain
41/04/25 1288 Dodge City or Bust
41/04/28 1289 Wild Horses Untamed
41/04/30 1290 Dead Men Pay No Blackmail
41/05/02 1291 Trail of the Broken Horseshoe
41/05/05 1292 The Gambler Draws a Blank
41/05/07 1293 Spring Roundup
41/05/09 1294 Mountain of the Wind
41/05/12 1295 Valley in the Hills
41/05/14 1296 Big Bend
41/05/16 1297 Border Queen
41/05/19 1298 One Nation Indivisible
41/05/21 1299 Trouble on the Rio Grande
41/05/23 1300
41/05/26 1301 Papers for Sarah Collins
41/05/28 1302 The Scent of a Wolf
41/05/30 1303 Sheriff Red in Seymour City
41/06/02 1304 The Sheriff of Clayborne County
41/06/04 1305 Evil Spirits at Sentinel Rock
41/06/06 1306 Gold Strike in the Chattos
41/06/09 1307 Fighting Against The Government
41/06/11 1308 Disappearing Stage
41/06/13 1309 A Silver Bullet for Madelina
41/06/16 1310 No Favors
41/06/18 1311 Sunset House
41/06/20 1312 Wild Horses
41/06/23 1313 Death Train
41/06/25 1314 Cattle Code
41/06/27 1315 Desert Water
41/06/30 1316 The Two Empty Graves
41/07/02 1317 Bird Flying Home
41/07/04 1318 Danger Landing
41/07/07 1319 An Alibi Cracked
41/07/09 1320 Murder at the Schoolhouse
41/07/11 1321 Road Agents Go Wrong
41/07/14 1322 Thunder from the Plain
41/07/16 1323 Revenge Rides the Wagontrain
41/07/18 1324 Gold Is Where You Find It
41/07/21 1325 Gentleman of Honor
41/07/23 1326 Stagecoach
41/07/25 1327 No Fury
41/07/28 1328 Rustlers at Breakneck Canyon
41/07/30 1329 The Line Through Red Rock
41/08/01 1330 Valley of the Cliff Dwellers
41/08/04 1331 Last Laugh
41/08/06 1332 Best Laid Plans
41/08/08 1333 Thunder Rides the Flood
41/08/11 1334 Silver's Escape
41/08/13 1335 The Son of Silver
41/08/15 1336 The Breaking
41/08/18 1337 Water Makes Trouble
41/08/20 1338 Yellow Boss
41/08/22 1339 The Race
41/08/25 1340 Election Day at Placer
41/08/27 1341 The Escape
41/08/29 1342 A Man and His Horse
41/09/01 1343 Wagons Round the Mountain
41/09/03 1344 Little Rose
41/09/05 1345 Two Sheriffs Are Better Than One
41/09/08 1346 Two Men for One Crime
41/09/10 1347 Bait for the Trap
41/09/12 1348 The Fence
41/09/15 1349 Travelers Spring
41/09/17 1350 The Ranger Beats the Rope
41/09/19 1351 Tonto Takes Charge
41/09/22 1352 It's a Free Country
41/09/24 1353 Winter Rescue
41/09/26 1354 A New Record
41/09/29 1355 The Train Robbery
41/10/01 1356 House and Home
41/10/03 1357 Relief Train
41/10/06 1358 Loser Take All
41/10/08 1359 Wires and Hoofs
41/10/10 1360 The Knife
41/10/13 1361 A New Mission
41/10/15 1362 Outlaws Plan an Empire
41/10/17 1363 First Encounter
41/10/20 1364 The Bridge
41/10/22 1365 United We Stand
41/10/24 1366 Headlines on the Frontier
41/10/27 1367 The Magic Belt
41/10/29 1368 Sentinel Rock
41/10/31 1369 Fire in the Night
41/11/03 1370 Dark of the Moon
41/11/05 1371 Wrong Partners
41/11/07 1372 Richmond Stage
41/11/10 1373 Settlers for Buffalo Valley
41/11/12 1374 Dodge City Round Up
41/11/14 1375 False Dispatches
41/11/17 1376 The Night Watch
41/11/19 1377 War in Wyoming
41/11/21 1378 Danger at Breakneck Rapids
41/11/24 1379 The Outlaw Wears a Mask
41/11/26 1380 The Gold Beyond the River
41/11/28 1381 Torlock's End
41/12/01 1382 A Girl to Aid
41/12/03 1383 Death and Taxes
41/12/05 1384 He Wouldn't Stay Dead
41/12/08 1385 Stagecoach to Deadwood
41/12/10 1386 The Parson of Fairfield
41/12/12 1387 The Iron Box
41/12/15 1388 For Those Who Fail
41/12/17 1389 The Masked Man's Fists
41/12/19 1390 Ambush on the Desert
41/12/22 1391 Remember the Alamo
41/12/24 1392 The Three Wise Hombres
41/12/26 1393 The Masked Man's Deduction
41/12/29 1394 A Page from Mr Lincoln
41/12/31 1395 Drums at Dusk
42/01/02 1396 The Masked Man and the Law
42/01/05 1397 The Masked Man's Friend
42/01/07 1398 House of Stone
42/01/09 1399 Adventure on the Yellow Dog
42/01/12 1400 Ghost Canyon
42/01/14 1401 A Deadfall Brings Trouble
42/01/16 1402 Via Pony Express
42/01/19 1403 Old Woman's Call
42/01/21 1404 Murder Wears Skirts
42/01/23 1405 Crystal Canyon
42/01/26 1406 Last Command
42/01/28 1407 Double Exposure
42/01/30 1408 School for Ranchers
42/02/02 1409 A Silver Summons
42/02/04 1410 Moffet's Move
42/02/06 1411 The Fifth Condemned Man
42/02/09 1412 Trail's End
42/02/11 1413 Silver Races Steam
42/02/13 1414 First of the Five
42/02/16 1415 The Outlaw Guard
42/02/18 1416 Kahwaygo Canyon
42/02/20 1417 Brothers of the West
42/02/23 1418 The Vulture's Nest
42/02/25 1419 Three Generations
42/02/27 1420 Blast and Double Blast
42/03/02 1421 Double Trouble
42/03/04 1422 Diamond Trail
42/03/06 1423 Masked Man's Dual Role
42/03/09 1424 Drexel's End
42/03/11 1425 Stampede in the Dark
42/03/13 1426 Cloudy Waters
42/03/16 1427 Fifty Thousand Head
42/03/18 1428 Forced Sale
42/03/20 1429 Men Who Won't Talk
42/03/23 1430 War Sweeps the Range
42/03/25 1431 Sound and Fury
42/03/27 1432 The Marshal of Mountain City
42/03/30 1433 Furs Trap a Badman
42/04/01 1434 Websters Big Fire
42/04/03 1435 A Girl's Bonfire
42/04/06 1436 Turnabout
42/04/08 1437 Set a Thief
42/04/10 1438 Along the Oregon Trail
42/04/13 1439 The Broken Spur
42/04/15 1440 Divining Rod
42/04/17 1441 The End of a Page
42/04/20 1442 Gamblers' End
42/04/22 1443 The Deputy for Tumbleweed
42/04/24 1444 Raising the Siege
42/04/27 1445 For His Son's Sake
42/04/29 1446 The Call of Duty
42/05/01 1447 Gunner Creek Cow Thieves
42/05/04 1448 Island in the Rio
42/05/06 1449 Outlaw Point
42/05/08 1450 Smuggler's Boss
42/05/11 1451 Trail of Red Mud
42/05/13 1452 Mistaken for an Easterner
42/05/15 1453 West of Dodge
42/05/18 1454 Thorndyke's Double Deal
42/05/20 1455 Hands Across the Plains
42/05/22 1456 Ghost Town
42/05/25 1457 Tomorrow's Trail
42/05/27 1458 Steamboat on the River
42/05/29 1459 Longhorns' Backtrail
42/06/01 1460 Gold Rush That Failed
42/06/03 1461 Thirst Is Better Than Water
42/06/05 1462 Moonrise on Powder Creek
42/06/08 1463 Lumber for the Railroad
42/06/10 1464 The Wrong Redskin
42/06/12 1465 Outlaws in War Paint
42/06/15 1466 Race to Dry Creek
42/06/17 1467 Ambush at Bright Rainbow
42/06/19 1468 Mortgages Paid Off
42/06/22 1469 Badlands for Badmen
42/06/24 1470 Clouds Across the Moon
42/06/26 1471 Quicksand for a Gambler
42/06/29 1472 Trouble at the Canyon
42/07/01 1473 Kidnapped
42/07/03 1474 Surprise at Sunrise
42/07/06 1475 End of the Iron Spur
42/07/08 1476 Way of the Transgressor
42/07/10 1477 Barcley Brothers Downfall
42/07/13 1478 High-graders
42/07/15 1479 Bread upon the Waters
42/07/17 1480 One Wide River
42/07/20 1481 Sorrel-Jack Outlaw Horse
42/07/22 1482 Double in Murder
42/07/24 1483 Cattleman Cash
42/07/27 1484 Homestead Proved Up
42/07/29 1485 Haunted Rock
42/07/31 1486 Stagecoach to Blue River
42/08/03 1487 Stagecoach Strife
42/08/05 1488 Turn About Is Fair Play
42/08/07 1489 The Sick and the Well
42/08/10 1490 Votes Won Votes Lost
42/08/12 1491 Twins Turnabout
42/08/14 1492 Ace of Crooks
42/08/17 1493 Mustang Mag Returns
42/08/19 1494 Spurs That Jingle
42/08/21 1495 Flameup's Kickback
42/08/24 1496 Goose Creek Killer
42/08/26 1497 Greed Drowns a Town
42/08/28 1498 Gold and Chimney Range
42/08/31 1499 Extortion Gang
42/09/02 1500 Revenge for an Outlaw
42/09/04 1501 The Silver Dollar
42/09/07 1502 Torrero and Tarantula
42/09/09 1503 Divide and Conquer
42/09/11 1504 Border Smugglers
42/09/14 1505 The Boss of the Tarantulas-Tarantula Series
42/09/16 1506 The Magic Belt
42/09/18 1507 Double for an Outlaw
42/09/21 1508 Set a Thief to Catch a Thief
42/09/23 1509 Guns Across the Border
42/09/25 1510 Mystery of the Night Marauders
42/09/28 1511 Legacy for a Ghost
42/09/30 1512 Double Counterfeit
42/10/02 1513 Murder Strikes Thrice
42/10/05 1514 Horse's Master
42/10/07 1515 Hoofbeats to Arizona
42/10/09 1516 Quicksand Tells a Tale
42/10/12 1517 Apache Trap
42/10/14 1518 Thunder Morgan's Fall
42/10/16 1519 Indian Trouble
42/10/19 1520 Blue Pebbles
42/10/21 1521 Double Exposure
42/10/23 1522 Steel Rails and Gold
42/10/26 1523 Turnabout
42/10/28 1524 The Gunsmith of San Bello
42/10/30 1525 Birds of a Feather
42/11/02 1526 Dead End
42/11/04 1527 Murder Masters
42/11/06 1528 The Phantom Killer
42/11/09 1529 Thieves in the Night
42/11/11 1530 Thieves Fall Out
42/11/13 1531 Devil's Sink
42/11/16 1532 Devil's Sink
42/11/18 1533 Thundering Hoofs
42/11/20 1534 The Avenger
42/11/23 1535 Lennie's Locket
42/11/25 1536 Murder for Profit
42/11/27 1537 The Horsehair Bridle
42/11/30 1538 Renegade
42/12/02 1539 Half a Loaf
42/12/04 1540 Dynasty of Terror
42/12/07 1541 Sign of the Swastika
42/12/09 1542 Badge of Courage
42/12/11 1543 No Man's Land
42/12/14 1544 Heading North
42/12/16 1545 Design for Murder
42/12/18 1546 Rope's End
42/12/21 1547 Law of the Apex
42/12/23 1548 Dan's Strange Behavior
42/12/25 1549 A Nephew Is Found
42/12/28 1550 Murder's Pay-off
42/12/30 1551 Murder Will Out
43/01/01 1552 Mountain Trap
43/01/04 1553 Betty in Trouble
43/01/06 1554 Skull Mountain
43/01/08 1555 The Bullet Brigade
43/01/11 1556 Showdown
43/01/13 1557 Wagons Westward
43/01/15 1558 The Beaded Holster
43/01/18 1559 Live Wire
43/01/20 1560 Masquerade
43/01/22 1561 Sheriff by Proxy
43/01/25 1562 Trail's End
43/01/27 1563 Honor Parole
43/01/29 1564 Red Uprising
43/02/01 1565 The Gang in Forbidden Plain
43/02/03 1566 Six-Guns Smoke
43/02/05 1567 Self Defense
43/02/08 1568 Bandits at Bay
43/02/10 1569 The Coward
43/02/12 1570 Stampede
43/02/15 1571 Double Trouble
43/02/17 1572 Thunder God
43/02/19 1573 Silver King
43/02/22 1574 Marked Money
43/02/24 1575 Jail Bait
43/02/26 1576 The Spanish Quirt
43/03/01 1577 Death and Taxes
43/03/03 1578 Nester's Gold
43/03/05 1579 The Fat Man
43/03/08 1580 Double Cross Waller
43/03/10 1581 Placerville Posse
43/03/12 1582 Golden Rule and the Salt War
43/03/15 1583 Dan Rides Hard
43/03/17 1584 Manpower Versus Steam
43/03/19 1585 Wagons Roll West
43/03/22 1586 The Trumpet Blows
43/03/24 1587 On the Two Front Wheels
43/03/26 1588 West of Clayton
43/03/29 1589 Aztec Mystery
43/03/31 1590 Temple of the Sun
43/04/02 1591 Murder Blooms at Night
43/04/05 1592 Dan Goes to Jail
43/04/07 1593 Dan's Horse
43/04/09 1594 Death Comes to El Mundo
43/04/12 1595 Branded for Murder
43/04/14 1596 The Masked Killer
43/04/16 1597 Stage to Sutter's Mill
43/04/19 1598 The Sheriffs Son
43/04/21 1599 Fake Indians
43/04/23 1600 Elkhorn Flats
43/04/26 1601 Death Warrant
43/04/28 1602 Without Proof
43/04/30 1603 The Train Wreck
43/05/03 1604 Twenty-seven Minutes to Death
43/05/05 1605 Gideon West
43/05/07 1606 A White Pearl Button
43/05/10 1607 The Cactus Kid
43/05/12 1608 Run, Sheep, Run
43/05/14 1609 Jericho
43/05/17 1610 Rawhide or Rhubarb
43/05/19 1611 Death on Four Wheels
43/05/21 1612 Gold and Galena
43/05/24 1613 Mixed Brands
43/05/26 1614 Coldwater Bridge
43/05/28 1615 The Ring
43/05/31 1616 Gunpowder
43/06/02 1617 We Live by Bullets
43/06/04 1618 Sundown in Sego City
43/06/07 1619 Missouri Queen
43/06/09 1620 Fools Gold
43/06/11 1621 Faith at Foxhead
43/06/14 1622 The Hammerhead
43/06/16 1623 The Leather Popper
43/06/18 1624 The Two-Gun Marshall
43/06/21 1625 Skeleton Canyon
43/06/23 1626 Jailbird's Return
43/06/25 1627 Border Patrol
43/06/28 1628 The Truth and General Taylor
43/06/30 1629 Sam Holiday
43/07/02 1630 Mariposa Gold Rush
43/07/05 1631 The Masked Man's Teacher
43/07/07 1632 Bad Man's Medicine
43/07/09 1633 Tinker's Dam
43/07/12 1634 Mousetrap Strategy
43/07/14 1635 Bad Man's Bluff
43/07/16 1636 Padre Pat
43/07/19 1637 Hunt for Wildcat
43/07/21 1638 Dead Man's Double
43/07/23 1639 Kid Kirby's Promise
43/07/26 1640 The Little Guy
43/07/28 1641 Law Without Proof
43/07/30 1642 Johnny Heber
43/08/02 1643 Cottonwood Jail Delivery
43/08/04 1644 Stagecoach to Calhoun
43/08/06 1645 Camel's Back
43/08/09 1646 Medicine and Ballots
43/08/11 1647 The Motherlode
43/08/13 1648 Homesteads for Outlaws
43/08/16 1649 You Can't Go Home
43/08/18 1650 Gallows to Guns
43/08/20 1651 Trouble at Bar-X
43/08/23 1652 A Good Woman's Love
43/08/25 1653 The Feud on Boulder Creek
43/08/27 1654 Underwater Deal
43/08/30 1655 Cherokee Strip
43/09/01 1656 Logan's Legacy
43/09/03 1657 The Stage to Dodge City
43/09/06 1658 Dan Finds Crime
43/09/08 1659 Rustler's Return
43/09/10 1660 Treachery in Tensleep
43/09/13 1661 Cattle for Sale
43/09/15 1662 Keller's Raiders
43/09/17 1663 Mistaken Identity
43/09/20 1664 Range War
43/09/22 1665 An Officer of the Law
43/09/24 1666 Both Ends Against the Middle
43/09/27 1667 A Watch Was the Target
43/09/29 1668 Rustler's Valley
43/10/01 1669 Son of a Sheriff
43/10/04 1670 Slaves in Bondage
43/10/06 1671 Brother Against Brother
43/10/08 1672 Weary River
43/10/11 1673 The Belle of the Palace
43/10/13 1674 The Whistler
43/10/15 1675 The Man from the East
43/10/18 1676 Listen to a Lonesome Gun
43/10/20 1677 Mills of the Gods
43/10/22 1678 As the Cards Fall
43/10/25 1679 Bow to Glory
43/10/27 1680 Rattlesnake Inn
43/10/29 1681 Singing Wires and the Sioux
43/11/01 1682 Barbary Coast, Part 1
43/11/03 1683 Barbary Coast, Part 2
43/11/05 1684 Barbary Coast, Part 3
43/11/08 1685 Gimlet's Gambit
43/11/10 1686 Human Contraband
43/11/12 1687 The Heathen Chinee
43/11/15 1688 Voice in the Tunnel
43/11/17 1689 Four Men from Tokyo
43/11/19 1690 Stingaree
43/11/22 1691 Dan Tells a Story
43/11/24 1692 Raven's Downfall
43/11/26 1693 Raven's Return
43/11/29 1694 Sign of the Broken Thumb
43/12/01 1695 Rats, Lice and Chinatown
43/12/03 1696 Odyssey of a Colt
43/12/06 1697 Golden Gateway -Episode H California Series
43/12/08 1698 The Lone Ranger Lode-Ep I California Series
43/12/10 1699 Dan Reid's Adventure
43/12/13 1700 First of Lumber
43/12/15 1701 Perfectly Legal
43/12/17 1702 Downfall of the Boss
43/12/20 1703 The Million Bid
43/12/22 1704 Without Fear or Favor
43/12/24 1705 Billy, the Fixer
43/12/27 1706 Frontier Missionary
43/12/29 1707 A Broken Bowstring
43/12/31 1708 Firewater Half Breed
44/01/03 1709 Smiley Roysen
44/01/05 1710 Wrath of the Storm
44/01/07 1711 Until Proven Otherwise
44/01/10 1712 Tax Thief
44/01/12 1713 Stampede
44/01/14 1714 Honest Andy
44/01/17 1715 The Murder Kid
44/01/19 1716 The Judge's Return
44/01/21 1717 Silver Summit
44/01/24 1718 With a Star and a Prayer
44/01/26 1719 Quicksilver
44/01/28 1720 Monty Regan
44/01/31 1721 Tamin and Larnin
44/02/02 1722 Deal in Cattle
44/02/04 1723 Guns Is Fer Fighting Men
44/02/07 1724 Boot Hill Secret
44/02/09 1725 In Its Place
44/02/11 1726 Hostage Reversed
44/02/14 1727 Buffalo Bill
44/02/16 1728 Too Many Shares
44/02/18 1729 Sugar Coated Sleep
44/02/21 1730 Wild Bill Hickok
44/02/23 1731 Muddy Water
44/02/25 1732 The Rainmaker
44/02/28 1733 Belle Starr
44/03/01 1734 Five Cartridges for Change
44/03/03 1735 Four People Westbound
44/03/06 1736 Bat Masterson
44/03/08 1737 Bolivar and Hacksaw
44/03/10 1738 The Mountain Meadow Massacre
44/03/13 1739 Pawnee Bill
44/03/15 1740 The Tatooed Arm
44/03/17 1741 Greater Love Hath No Man
44/03/20 1742 Wind River Rendezvous
44/03/22 1743 Rails Across the Choctaw Land
44/03/24 1744 Town Without a State
44/03/27 1745 Gold for Maximilian
44/03/29 1746 Aaron Burr's Pouch
44/03/31 1747 The Border Rose
44/04/03 1748 Ben Thompson
44/04/05 1749 Jim Farrell's Son
44/04/07 1750 Footlights on the Frontier
44/04/10 1751 Calamity Jane
44/04/12 1752 Bill Gage
44/04/14 1753 Ephriam Collins Ambition
44/04/17 1754 Law West of the Pecos
44/04/19 1755 A Trust Fulfilled
44/04/21 1756 Smoke over Missouri
44/04/24 1757 Sam Bass
44/04/26 1758 John Ritchie
44/04/28 1759 Longhorn Trail
44/05/01 1760 Johnny Owens
44/05/03 1761 Carrigans Line
44/05/05 1762 The Devil and Sam Todd
44/05/08 1763 Annie Oakley
44/05/10 1764 Jim Kalar
44/05/12 1765 Straws Point the Way
44/05/15 1766 Jim Sanders' Return
44/05/17 1767 The Thirteenth Time
44/05/19 1768 Teddy Roosevelt, No 1
44/05/22 1769 Teddy Roosevelt, No 2
44/05/24 1770 Chop Chop Handyman
44/05/26 1771 Dead Man's Bluff
44/05/29 1772 Doctor Good
44/05/31 1773 A Bargain's a Bargain
44/06/02 1774 Six Gun Heritage
44/06/05 1775 Luke Short
44/06/07 1776 Badge of Honor
44/06/09 1777 Three Callers
44/06/12 1778 John Wesley Hardin
44/06/14 1779 The Great Truth
44/06/16 1780 Candlelight
44/06/19 1781 Haw Tabor
44/06/21 1782 Chuck Wagon Champ
44/06/23 1783 Ridge Lawton
44/06/26 1784 Billy the Kid
44/06/28 1785 Ruggles of Yellowstone
44/06/30 1786 The Phantom Rider
44/07/03 1787 Beecher's Island
44/07/05 1788 Hap Finds an Angel
44/07/07 1789 Old School Sheriff
44/07/10 1790 Duke Henshaw
44/07/12 1791 Eph Wilson's Chicks
44/07/14 1792 A Gentleman from England
44/07/17 1793 Kit Carson
44/07/19 1794 Double Cross Harvest
44/07/21 1795 Ned Tyson's Destiny
44/07/24 1796 Smoke Ballou
44/07/26 1797 Outlaws Son
44/07/28 1798 Food for the Iron Horse
44/07/31 1799 Johnny Po
44/08/02 1800 Mainspring Charlie
44/08/04 1801 Shotgun Gail
44/08/07 1802 Al Jennings
44/08/09 1803 A Man Among Men
44/08/11 1804 One in a Thousand
44/08/14 1805 Frank Canton
44/08/16 1806 Gunpowder Joe
44/08/18 1807 Muleys Mules
44/08/21 1808 Western Union
44/08/23 1809 Tricky
44/08/25 1810 Shed on the Barrens
44/08/28 1811 Blade of Honor
44/08/30 1812 A Royal Welcome
44/09/01 1813 Old King Cole
44/09/04 1814 Billy Tilghman
44/09/06 1815 Woodsman's Club
44/09/08 1816 The Pelt of Mucho Grande, Part 1
44/09/11 1817 The Sign of the Buffalo Head, Part 2
44/09/13 1818 The Angelus, Part 3
44/09/15 1819 Ghost Dance, Part 4
44/09/18 1820 Henry's Holiday
44/09/20 1821 The Language of Lucre
44/09/22 1822 Right of Way
44/09/25 1823 Speed of a Gunman, Part 1 Special Series
44/09/27 1824 The Killer's Code, Part 2 Special Series
44/09/29 1825 York's Cave, part 3
44/10/02 1826 The Man Hunt, Part 4
44/10/04 1827 Interlude, Part 5
44/10/06 1828 Conclusion - Part 6
44/10/09 1829 Peppermint
44/10/11 1830 Three, Counting Missouri
44/10/13 1831 Peaceful and the Parson
44/10/16 1832 Keeno Thor
44/10/18 1833 Conway's Fall
44/10/20 1834 Pitch Black
44/10/23 1835 Monument for Marmaduke
44/10/25 1836 Randall's Place
44/10/27 1837 The Road Trader
44/10/30 1838 Alamo Anderson
44/11/01 1839 Doc Stevens
44/11/03 1840 Yellow Legs and Brass
44/11/06 1841 The Cameo Kid
44/11/08 1842 Smilax
44/11/10 1843 Birthday Party
44/11/13 1844 The Thirteenth Notch
44/11/15 1845 Gun Shy Gambler
44/11/17 1846 Sabers or Six-guns
44/11/20 1847 The Crystal Ball
44/11/22 1848 Smuggler's Feet
44/11/24 1849 The Rainbow Trail
44/11/27 1850 Too Narrow, Too Deep
44/11/29 1851 Sylvester, the Great
44/12/01 1852 Bringing up Virginia
44/12/04 1853 Ambush
44/12/06 1854 Dolly the Dealer
44/12/08 1855 Pop's Barometer
44/12/11 1856 Six-gun Souvenir
44/12/13 1857 The Kid Keeps a Promise
44/12/15 1858 Debt of Honor
44/12/18 1859 The Talisman of Taos
44/12/20 1860 Finney's Promise
44/12/22 1861 Dan Aids the Ranger
44/12/25 1862 A Present for Janey
44/12/27 1863 A Racer of Turtles
44/12/29 1864 Test of the Treaty
45/01/01 1865 Holster Heritage
45/01/03 1866 The Golden Link
45/01/05 1867 Taming of Sawdust Tanner
45/01/08 1868 Gun-magic
45/01/10 1869 The Con Man
45/01/12 1870 Left Shoulder Arms
45/01/15 1871 The Pink Umbersol
45/01/17 1872 Thunder and Lightning
45/01/19 1873 The Hobs and the Pinafore
45/01/22 1874 Partners in Crime
45/01/24 1875 Killer's Reward
45/01/26 1876 Of Luther Jones
45/01/29 1877 The Deacon Agrees
45/01/31 1878 Guarantee Jackson
45/02/02 1879 The Promise
45/02/05 1880 Wooden Indian
45/02/07 1881 Contraband
45/02/09 1882 From the Great Beyond
45/02/12 1883 Missouri Goes to Town
45/02/14 1884 Firewater
45/02/16 1885 The Brass Whistle
45/02/19 1886 The Sweetwater Express
45/02/21 1887 The Blind Bootmaker
45/02/23 1888 Crestwood Gang
45/02/26 1889 The Horse Holder
45/02/28 1890 Men from the Mountain
45/03/02 1891 A Marshall's Mother
45/03/05 1892 The Ghost of Eddie Samuels
45/03/07 1893 Duel to the Death
45/03/09 1894 The Deserter
45/03/12 1895 The Phantom Caballero
45/03/14 1896 Johnny Starbuck
45/03/16 1897 Picture Evidence
45/03/19 1898 Hard Cash
45/03/21 1899 Murder in Red
45/03/23 1900 Jericho Jones
45/03/26 1901 Jimmy Heath
45/03/28 1902 Windy of the Box B
45/03/30 1903 Scoop for the Globe
45/04/02 1904 The Devil's Pool
45/04/04 1905 Fob Crime
45/04/06 1906 Bill Bagley
45/04/09 1907 St Louis Story
45/04/11 1908 San Carlo Banker
45/04/13 No Broadcast Because Of FDR's Death
45/04/16 1909 A Star for the Ranger
45/04/18 1910 The Rajah Diamond
45/04/20 1911 Opportunity Smith
45/04/23 1912 Word of Honor
45/04/25 1913 Hills of Home
45/04/27 1914 Dead or Alive
45/04/30 1915 The Count Takes the Count
45/05/02 1916 The Clanton Gang
45/05/04 1917 Alibi for Alkali
45/05/07 1918 The Last to Start
45/05/09 1919 Five Thousand Dollar Reward
45/05/11 1920 Dead Man's Debt
45/05/14 1921 Omaha Wire
45/05/16 1922 Indian Boy
45/05/18 1923 Rodeo Banker
45/05/21 1924 Nitro for Pablo
45/05/23 1925 Chaplain Bill
45/05/25 1926 The Red Fox
45/05/28 1927 Killer's Gamble
45/05/30 1928 Hero's Grave
45/06/01 1929 Strong Medicine
45/06/04 1930 Horse Called Silver
45/06/06 1931 Dobie Deadline
45/06/08 1932 Pelican Peak
45/06/11 1933 Blessed Are the Meek
45/06/13 1934 Blood on the Land
45/06/15 1935 Framed out of Trouble
45/06/18 1936 Brad Comes Home
45/06/20 1937 Trading Post
45/06/22 1938 Army Mules
45/06/25 1939 Horseshoe Murder
45/06/27 1940 Mad Murdock
45/06/29 1941 Faithless Three
45/07/02 1942 Pestilence and Silver
45/07/04 1943 Two for Fuzzy
45/07/06 1944 Guilty Hands
45/07/09 1945 Ambush
45/07/11 1946 Tomorrow Is My Home
45/07/13 1947 Tom Bates, Reformed
45/07/16 1948 New State Guns
45/07/18 1949 Town of the Lawless
45/07/20 1950 Doc Robbins' Mosquitos
45/07/23 1951 Texas Justice
45/07/25 1952 One Against the Rafter-M
45/07/27 1953 Mud Flats Detective
45/07/30 1954 Jane's Jewels
45/08/01 1955 Parted in the Middle
45/08/03 1956 Water Hole
45/08/06 1957 Donovan
45/08/08 1958 The Pie-eyed Piper of Hamlin
45/08/10 1959 Masked Go-between
45/08/13 1960 Derrick's Dog
45/08/15 No Broadcast Because Of V-J Day
45/08/17 1961 Rodeo
45/08/20 1962 Morgan's Gap
45/08/22 1963 The Last Coach West
45/08/24 1964 Single Tracks
45/08/27 1965 The Lazy S
45/08/29 1966 Ranger Justice
45/08/31 1967 Arson
45/09/03 1968 Restitution
45/09/05 1969 Law in Mustang
45/09/07 1970 Gideon's Party Night
45/09/10 1971 Wilbur Skink's Secret
45/09/12 1972 Guilt for Hire
45/09/14 1973 Mr Meeker
45/09/17 1974 Camel Brigade - Part 1, the Start
45/09/19 1975 Camel Brigade - Part 2, Quicksand
45/09/21 1976 Camel Brigade - Part 3, Deep Water
45/09/24 1977 The Gentleman from Julesburg
45/09/26 1978 Love Thy Neighbor
45/09/28 1979 Rifles for White Bear
45/10/01 1980 Paradise Valley
45/10/03 1981 Reform of Luther Gates
45/10/05 1982 Trailside Treachery
45/10/08 1983 The Finger of Death
45/10/10 1984 Miser's Money
45/10/12 1985 The Iron Horse
45/10/15 1986 Ex-Ranger
45/10/17 1987 Tin Star Heritage
45/10/19 1988 Tempered Thieves
45/10/22 1989 Post War Schemer
45/10/24 1990 The Ring, No 1
45/10/26 1991 Woodland Peril, No 2
45/10/29 1992 The Fifth Condemned Man, No 3 S Series
45/10/31 1993 Texas Rides Again, No 4
45/11/02 1994 Behind the Mask
45/11/05 1995 Auntie
45/11/07 1996 Scarface
45/11/09 1997 Thunder's Mules
45/11/12 1998 Alias, the Lone Ranger
45/11/14 1999 Choo Choo for Chicago
45/11/16 2000 Gallows Threat
45/11/19 2001 Foster Brother
45/11/21 2002 Outlaw Deputy
45/11/23 2003 The Plateau Gang
45/11/26 2004 Two Finger
45/11/28 2005 Doctor Donovan
45/11/30 2006 Silver
45/12/03 2007 Lone Ranger's Mailbox
45/12/05 2008 Possom River Bridge
45/12/07 2009 Imperfect Crime
45/12/10 2010 The Hidden River
45/12/12 2011 The Fire God
45/12/14 2012 The Man Who Came Back
45/12/17 2013 Beyond Good and Evil
45/12/19 2014 By Weight of Numbers
45/12/21 2015 The Evil One
45/12/24 2016 Music Cue
45/12/26 2017 Rushville Sheriff
45/12/28 2018 Officer in Charge
45/12/31 2019 Black Sheep
46/01/02 2020 South of the Border
46/01/04 2021 Food Hoarder
46/01/07 2022 Willie One-note
46/01/09 2023 Thunder and Clarabelle
46/01/11 2024 White Horses
46/01/14 2025 Chicken and Dumplings
46/01/16 2026 Nesters and Clarabelle
46/01/18 2027 Boomerang Scheme
46/01/21 2028 The Gold King
46/01/23 2029 The Man on Top
46/01/25 2030 Outlaw's Gold, Chapter 1
46/01/28 2031 Outlaw's Gold, Chapter 2
46/01/30 2032 State's Witness
46/02/01 2033 Solid Citizen
46/02/04 2034 Lawman's Honor
46/02/06 2035 Big Brother
46/02/08 2036 Help Wanted
46/02/11 2037 Dude's Downfall
46/02/13 2038 The Killer Horse
46/02/15 2039 Mother Carey
46/02/18 2040 Durgee Gang
46/02/20 2041 Indian's Son
46/02/22 2042 Tainted Grubstake
46/02/25 2043 The Trojan Horse
46/02/27 2044 Sister Susie
46/03/01 2045 The Law Wears Skirts
46/03/04 2046 Christopher King
46/03/06 2047 Camelback Trail
46/03/08 2048 Doc's Second Chance
46/03/11 2049 Follow the Lilacs
46/03/13 2050 Lawman's Reward
46/03/15 2051 Thunder Signs Offhand
46/03/18 2052 Hot Lead and Cold Type
46/03/20 2053 Special Stage
46/03/22 2054 Wet Cattle
46/03/25 2055 The White Phantom
46/03/27 2056 Eureka
46/03/29 2057 Banker's Swan Song
46/04/01 2058 Order Restored
46/04/03 2059 Father's Reward
46/04/05 2060 Fighting Men
46/04/08 2061 The Sleeping Man
46/04/10 2062 Shep
46/04/12 2063 Sultan's Return
46/04/15 2064 For of Such Is the Kingdom
46/04/17 2065 Drum of We-oh-pa
46/04/19 2066 Plutes Revenge
46/04/22 2067 Concord Contest
46/04/24 2068 Buried Rails
46/04/26 2069 Chicamoo Joe
46/04/29 2070 Adventure at Eagle Pass
46/05/01 2071 The Bakerville Gazette
46/05/03 2072 The Crimson Prophet - Part 1
46/05/06 2073 The Crimson Prophet - Part 2
46/05/08 2074 Spirit Valley
46/05/10 2075 Honest Debts
46/05/13 2076 The Weasel
46/05/15 2077 The Black Hood
46/05/17 2078 Fear
46/05/20 2079 North Star
46/05/22 2080 The Ranger and the Bull-whip
46/05/24 2081 The Cabin at Rocky Mountain
46/05/27 2082 Judy and the Champ
46/05/29 2083 Empty Saddles
46/05/31 2084 The Silk Neckerchief
46/06/03 2085 Lawman Pro Tem
46/06/05 2086 The Saddle
46/06/07 2087 Dry-gulcher
46/06/10 2088 The Trigger Kid's Nemesis
46/06/12 2089 Greater Than Fear
* 46/06/14 2090 Boomergang Frame-up
* 46/06/17 2091 Lucy's Locket
* 46/06/19 2092 Murder Man
* 46/06/21 2093 The Parrot and the Sea Dog
* 46/06/24 2094 A Killer Comes Home, Part 1
* 46/06/26 2095 A Killer Comes Home, Part 2
* 46/06/28 2096 Charlie's Justice
* 46/07/01 2097 Evening in Deadwood
* 46/07/03 2098 Uncle Barnaby
* 46/07/05 2099 Dead Man's Justice
* 46/07/08 2100 Dispatch Case
* 46/07/10 2101 The Hidden Hand
* 46/07/12 2102 Dawn Hanging
* 46/07/15 2103 Food Shortage
* 46/07/17 2104 Weight in Gold
* 46/07/19 2105 Town Marshall
* 46/07/22 2106 Drouth and Death
* 46/07/24 2107 The Right-of-way
* 46/07/26 2108 Barking Dog
* 46/07/29 2109 Judge of Men
* 46/07/31 2110 Twice Accused
* 46/08/02 2111 Jane Walters' Promise
* 46/08/05 2112 Quitters
* 46/08/07 2113 Clash of Wills
* 46/08/09 2114 Scene of the Crime
* 46/08/12 2115 Homesteads on the Range
46/08/14 2116 Rainy Day
* 46/08/16 2117 Too Much Law
* 46/08/19 2118 Imposter
* 46/08/21 2119 The Western Way
* 46/08/23 2120 Stubborn Man
* 46/08/26 2121 The Welcome Guest
* 46/08/28 2122 The Cross-roads
* 46/08/30 2123 Four Friends
* 46/09/02 2124 Long Drought
* 46/09/04 2125 New Marshall
* 46/09/06 2126 The Little Parson
* 46/09/09 2127 Bank Guard
* 46/09/11 2128 Property Rights
* 46/09/13 2129 Wolf Hunters
* 46/09/16 2130 Silver Lode
* 46/09/18 2131 Many-cave Mountain
* 46/09/20 2132 Angry Ranger
* 46/09/23 2133 Wagons West
* 46/09/25 2134 The Old Lady Who Smoked
* 46/09/27 2135 Trail to Danger
* 46/09/30 2136 Death in the Tunnel
* 46/10/02 2137 Devil's Deputy
* 46/10/04 2138 Mad Dog
* 46/10/07 2139 Windy Hanks
* 46/10/09 2140 Five Dollar Bill
* 46/10/11 2141 Death in the Valley
* 46/10/14 2142 When Duty Calls
* 46/10/16 2143 The Homecoming
46/10/18 2144 Old Jeb's Choice
* 46/10/21 2145 Girl from the East
* 46/10/23 2146 Poetic Justice
* 46/10/25 2147 Law's Masquerade
* 46/10/28 2148 Victory over Fear
* 46/10/30 2149 Two Old Men
* 46/11/01 2150 Old Tex
* 46/11/04 2151 Trail Boss
* 46/11/06 2152 Little Johnny Higgins
* 46/11/08 2153 Masked Deputy
* 46/11/11 2154 Rustler Trap
* 46/11/13 2155 Soldier Son
* 46/11/15 2156 Jim Miller's Return
* 46/11/18 2157 Hopeful Hank
* 46/11/20 2158 A Friend in Need
* 46/11/22 2159 The Newcomer
* 46/11/25 2160 Old Poncho
* 46/11/27 2161 Perfect Alibi
* 46/11/29 2162 Valley of Death
* 46/12/02 2163 The Silver Claw
* 46/12/04 2164 Border Patrol
46/12/06 2165 Friend in Need
46/12/09 2166 Brave Man
* 46/12/11 2167 The Gentleman from London
* 46/12/13 2168 Johnnie's Claim
* 46/12/16 2169 Claimant of the Lazy D
* 46/12/18 2170 Help by Wire
* 46/12/20 2171 Quicksand Point
* 46/12/23 2172 Outlaw Masquerade
* 46/12/25 2173 Bells of San Pedro
* 46/12/27 2174 Bobby Johnson
* 46/12/30 2175 Canyon Trail
* 47/01/01 2176 Wild Horse Round-up
* 47/01/03 2177 Belle Marlow's Revenge
* 47/01/06 2178 To Catch a Crook
* 47/01/08 2179 Test for a Lawman
* 47/01/10 2180 Tough Kid from Kansas City
* 47/01/13 2181 Law for Apache Bend
* 47/01/15 2182 From Outer Space - Meteor I
* 47/01/17 2183 The Butterfield Stage-Meteor II
* 47/01/20 2184 The Silver Bullet - Meteor III
* 47/01/22 2185 Rays of the Sun - Meteor IV
47/01/24 2186 Spirit Valley
47/01/27 2187 My Son Comes Home
* 47/01/29 2188 Tomahawk Cut
47/01/31 2189 Stage Line Schemer
47/02/03 2190 Missouri Landing
* 47/02/05 2191 The Last Bullet
* 47/02/07 2192 Framed out of Trouble
47/02/10 2193 Silas Turnbull's Legacy
* 47/02/12 2194 Gunpowder's Grave
47/02/14 2195 The Little Redhead
* 47/02/17 2196 Mine of the Silver Bullets
* 47/02/19 2197 Thunder Moves a Stagecoach
47/02/21 2198 Cases for Bald Valley
47/02/24 2199 Cane Creek Strategy
* 47/02/26 2200 Lone Ranger - Pony Rider
* 47/02/28 2201 Jack's Horse, Blacky
* 47/03/03 2202 Runaway Railroad
* 47/03/05 2203 Tombstone Newton
47/03/07 2204 Back to the Fold
47/03/10 2205 A Snake in Skirts
* 47/03/12 2206 Valley Passage
47/03/14 2207 Red Clay and Doc Jenkins
47/03/17 2208 Long Trail's End
* 47/03/19 2209 Thunder Martin's Murder Charge
* 47/03/21 2210 The Last Run
47/03/24 2211 Chinaman's Chance
* 47/03/26 2212 Reward Notice
47/03/28 2213 Boy and a Dog
* 47/03/31 2214 Railroad Survey
* 47/04/02 2215 Black Arab
47/04/04 2216 Old Joe's Niece
47/04/07 2217 New Start
* 47/04/09 2218 Law for Martin's Gap
47/04/11 2219 Jason, Called Joe
47/04/14 2220 Banker Benson's Wallet
* 47/04/16 2221 The Railroad Trestle
47/04/18 2222 Pasture Land
47/04/21 2223 Hawk's Nest
* 47/04/23 2224 Boys Will Be Boys
47/04/25 2225 Sunset Gun
* 47/04/28 2226 The Fifteenth Cull
* 47/04/30 2227 Mr Gulliver
47/05/02 2228 A Call for Colonel Miles
47/05/05 2229 Water Hole Clue
* 47/05/07 2230 When Justice and Duty Meet
47/05/09 2231 The Colorado Kid
47/05/12 2232 City of the Dead
* 47/05/14 2233 Blotched Brands
47/05/16 2234 The Bully
47/05/19 2235 Jail for Sale
* 47/05/21 2236 The Wild Horse
47/05/23 2237 Change of Hart
47/05/26 2238 The Hooded Quartet
* 47/05/28 2239 Tom's About Face
47/05/30 2240 Phantom Weapons
47/06/02 2241 The Big Chance
* 47/06/04 2242 Rustlers' Round-up
* 47/06/06 2243 Indian Chief
47/06/09 2244 Tom Morningstar's Return
* 47/06/11 2245 Lawman's Boy
47/06/13 2246 Grand Hotel
47/06/16 2247 Eastern Claimant
* 47/06/18 2248 Moonlight Ride
47/06/20 2249 New Home
47/06/23 2250 Adventure on the Mississippi
47/06/25 2251 Set a Crook
47/06/27 2252 Pete and Pedro
* 47/06/30 2253 The False Legacy
* 47/07/02 2254 Corn Planter
47/07/04 2255 North Junction
* 47/07/07 2256 Revenge
* 47/07/09 2257 Gun Runner's Boy
* 47/07/11 2258 Cussed Old Man
* 47/07/14 2259 When Fate Wore a Mask
* 47/07/16 2260 The Powder Kid
* 47/07/18 2261 The Crested Ring
* 47/07/21 2262 Son Wanted
47/07/23 2263 Fighting Spirit
* 47/07/25 2264 Round-up Boss
* 47/07/28 2265 Forewarned Is Fore-armed
* 47/07/30 2266 Outpost in Despair
* 47/08/01 2267 Gold Train
* 47/08/04 2268 Ranger Medicine
* 47/08/06 2269 Jail Breaker
* 47/08/08 2270 Outpost
* 47/08/11 2271 The Voluntary Captive
* 47/08/13 2272 Trial by Fire
* 47/08/15 2273 Crooks Are Where You Find Them
* 47/08/18 2274 The Black Lamb
* 47/08/20 2275 False Friend
* 47/08/22 2276 Race Against Time
* 47/08/25 2277 When Memory Failed
* 47/08/27 2278 Pony Rider
* 47/08/29 2279 Justice for Sam Jenkins
* 47/09/01 2280 Faith and Guns
* 47/09/03 2281 Frontier Town Judge
* 47/09/05 2282 Frontier Town Lawyer
* 47/09/08 2283 Frontier Town Frameup
* 47/09/10 2284 Doc Drummond's Strange Case
* 47/09/12 2285 Masquerade for a Killer
* 47/09/15 2286 Blood Brother
* 47/09/17 2287 Barnaby Boggs' Dilemma
* 47/09/19 2288 Double Cross
* 47/09/22 2289 Law Girl
* 47/09/24 2290 Fiasco
* 47/09/26 2291 Old Hickory
* 47/09/29 2292 The Big Mouth
* 47/10/01 2293 Revenue Isn't Everything
* 47/10/03 2294 City of Masks
* 47/10/06 2295 The Emperor of California
* 47/10/08 2296 The Mountain of Missing Men
* 47/10/10 2297 Summons in Silver
* 47/10/13 2298 Silver Bullet Mine
* 47/10/15 2299 Feud Plot
* 47/10/17 2300 Big Man
* 47/10/20 2301 Driver's Boy
* 47/10/22 2302 Wanted for Treason
* 47/10/24 2303 Bad Brother
* 47/10/27 2304 The Worktrain
* 47/10/29 2305 Compass Bearing
* 47/10/31 2306 Two Gangs
* 47/11/03 2307 Lady in the Mask
* 47/11/05 2308 The Silver Watch Fob
* 47/11/07 2309 Union Pacific, No 1
* 47/11/10 2310 Union Pacific, No 2
* 47/11/12 2311 Union Pacific, No 3
* 47/11/14 2312 Union Pacific, No 4
* 47/11/17 2313 Clarabelle's Birthday Present
* 47/11/19 2314 Manhunt
47/11/21 2315 Jack Monroe Goes Home
47/11/24 2316 Book Larnin'
* 47/11/26 2317 Lolita and the Outlaw
* 47/11/28 2318 The Imperfect Frame
* 47/12/01 2319 Sunset Valley
* 47/12/03 2320 Oyster Bill
* 47/12/05 2321 A Matter of Pride
* 47/12/08 2322 Horse Breeder
* 47/12/10 2323 Windy's Big Moment
* 47/12/12 2324 Dan and Lefty Willis
47/12/15 2325 Devil's Pass
* 47/12/17 2326 An Act of Faith
* 47/12/19 2327 Plague from the Sky
* 47/12/22 2328 Prelude to Law
* 47/12/24 2329 The Mission Bells
47/12/26 2330 Determination
* 47/12/29 2331 The Smugglers' Hideout
* 47/12/31 2332 The Man Who Wouldn't Kill
* 48/01/02 2333 Special Six-guns, No 1
* 48/01/05 2334 Package from Sam Colt, No 2 Pr Series
* 48/01/07 2335 Six Gun Ring, No 3
* 48/01/09 2336 Winning Six Guns, No 4
* 48/01/12 2337 Little Peggy and Johnny
* 48/01/14 2338 Dead Witness
* 48/01/16 2339 Lady Known as Belle
* 48/01/19 2340 The Silver Spoon
* 48/01/21 2341 Prunella's Chickens
* 48/01/23 2342 Steam Pressure
* 48/01/26 2343 Old Stoopy
* 48/01/28 2344 Medicine for Lucky
48/01/30 2345 On Parole
* 48/02/02 2346 Breakneck Canyon
* 48/02/04 2347 The Money Box
* 48/02/06 2348 Ma Henry Takes a Hand
* 48/02/09 2349 Flood Waters
* 48/02/11 2350 Hidden Guns
* 48/02/13 2351 Mysterious Stranger
* 48/02/16 2352 Man of Destiny
* 48/02/18 2353 Pedometer No 1
* 48/02/20 2354 Pedometer No 2
* 48/02/23 2355 Pedometer No 3
* 48/02/25 2356 Pedometer No 4
* 48/02/27 2357 Grandma Brown
* 48/03/01 2358 Letter from Albuquerque
* 48/03/03 2359 Runaway Boy
* 48/03/05 2360 Holly Hill Holdup
* 48/03/08 2361 Toll Bridge
* 48/03/10 2362 Furnace Canyon
* 48/03/12 2363 The Wolf Pack
* 48/03/15 2364 Melissa Downs' Nephew
* 48/03/17 2365 Like Father, Like Son
* 48/03/19 2366 Long Lost Brother
* 48/03/22 2367 Murder and Thunder Martin
* 48/03/24 2368 When Stages Meet
* 48/03/26 2369 The Sword
* 48/03/29 2370 Lieutenant Nelson's Mistake
* 48/03/31 2371 The Story of Terry Hanson
* 48/04/02 2372 Border Patrol
* 48/04/05 2373 A Fight for Peace
* 48/04/07 2374 Special Frontier Town Sequence, No 1
* 48/04/09 2375 Special Frontier Town Sequence, No 2
* 48/04/12 2376 Special Frontier Town Sequence, No 3
* 48/04/14 2377 Special Frontier Town Sequence, No 4
* 48/04/16 2378 Bob Strong's Legacy
* 48/04/19 2379 El Gringo
* 48/04/21 2380 The Man from Missouri
* 48/04/23 2381 Singapore's Peg Leg
* 48/04/26 2382 Luke Learns a Lesson
* 48/04/28 2383 The Dragon Kite
* 48/04/30 2384 Judge Brennan
* 48/05/03 2385 The Colonel's Daughter
* 48/05/05 2386 Lookout Tower Mystery
* 48/05/07 2387 The Raft
* 48/05/10 2388 Dancehall of Death
* 48/05/12 2389 Fathers-at-law
48/05/14 2390 Judge Brennan's Decision
48/05/17 2391 Sagebrush Hollow Mystery
* 48/05/19 2392 Rainbow's Gold
48/05/21 2393 Silver Spurs
48/05/24 2394 Free Election
* 48/05/26 2395 Rustler's Cave
48/05/28 2396 Brother Graham Fights for Peace
48/05/31 2397 Will Clayton's Gold
* 48/06/02 2398 The Munson Gang
48/06/04 2399 A Call from Rosita
48/06/07 2400 Tunnel Adventure
* 48/06/09 2401 Outlaw Trail
48/06/11 2402 Cargo for Clarabelle
48/06/14 2403 A Lesson for Jack McGee
48/06/16 2404 Obidiah Jenkins and the Bank Robbers
* 48/06/18 2405 If a Body Finds a Body
* 48/06/21 2406 Fort Laramie Incident
48/06/23 2407 Cheyenne Vigilantes
48/06/25 2408 Granite for the Up
* 48/06/28 2409 The Frontier Day Race
* 48/06/30 2410 The Lone Ranger's Origin (Evening)
* 48/07/02 2411 The Meadows Sisters
48/07/05 2412 Lone Ranger's Rescue
48/07/07 2413 Deserted Mine Shaft
48/07/09 2414 Old Cheyenne
48/07/12 2415 Held on Suspicion
48/07/14 2416 Young Doctor Lowell
* 48/07/16 2417 Cattle Drive
48/07/19 2418 A Bridge for a Bridge
* 48/07/21 2419 Arizona Pete
* 48/07/23 2420 Nevada
* 48/07/26 2421 The Cynic
48/07/28 2422 A Hundred Canyons
* 48/07/30 2423 Pancho's Double
48/08/02 2424 Lawman Reborn
48/08/04 2425 Fort Gurney
48/08/06 2426 Warrant Delayed
48/08/09 2427 Wall of Water
* 48/08/11 2428 Ex-convict
* 48/08/13 2429 Timberland
48/08/16 2430 Hanging Rock
* 48/08/18 2431 The Chisholm Trail
48/08/20 2432 Grudge Payoff
48/08/23 2433 The Stranger in Camp
* 48/08/25 2434 Range Warfare
48/08/27 2435 Missouri Bend
48/08/30 2436 Stagecoach Plot
48/09/01 2437 Lucky's Mistake
48/09/03 2438 Indian Hostage
48/09/06 2439 Valley Uprising
48/09/08 2440 The Fur Pirates
48/09/10 2441 The Mule Cars
48/09/13 2442 Frenchy's Gang
48/09/15 2443 Feet of Clay
48/09/17 2444 Extortion
48/09/20 2445 The Mythical Map
48/09/22 2446 Drums in the Night
48/09/24 2447 The Coward
48/09/27 2448 The Innocents
* 48/09/29 2449 The Outlaw's Son
48/10/01 2450 Pioneer Wagon Train
48/10/04 2451 Special Deputy
* 48/10/06 2452 Mr Justice
48/10/08 2453 Jeff Ward Rides Shotgun
48/10/11 2454 Toughest Kid in Town
* 48/10/13 2455 Missouri Landing
48/10/15 2456 Gannon's Bridge
48/10/18 2457 A Desperate Stand
* 48/10/20 2458 The Outcast
48/10/22 2459 One Man Town
48/10/25 2460 The Black Gang
* 48/10/27 2461 The Great Peacemaker
* 48/10/29 2462 Picture Proof
* 48/11/01 2463 The Flashing Light
* 48/11/03 2464 Flashlight Ring, No 2
48/11/05 2465 A Pound of Flesh
48/11/08 2466 Tenderfoot Sheriff
* 48/11/10 2467 South Gap
48/11/12 2468 Red Mask Outlaw
48/11/15 2469 Trail for the Iron Horse
* 48/11/17 2470 Sign of the Hoboes
48/11/19 2471 Relief Train
48/11/22 2472 Tennessee Moody
* 48/11/24 2473 Good Neighbors
48/11/26 2474 Counterfeiter's Cave
48/11/29 2475 The Hidden Herd
48/12/01 2476 The Unholy Three
* 48/12/03 2477 Double Trouble
48/12/06 2478 The Big Baldy
* 48/12/08 2479 The Second Frame-up
* 48/12/10 2480 Daniel and El Diablo
* 48/12/13 2481 Fast on the Draw
* 48/12/15 2482 Last Chance Mine
48/12/17 2483 The Big Drive
* 48/12/20 2484 The Lone Bandit
* 48/12/22 2485 Three Against the Sunrise
* 48/12/24 2486 Xmas Comes to Sandy
* 48/12/27 2487 Big Bill Landis
* 48/12/29 2488 Pancho Blanca
48/12/31 2489 Dead Man's Deputy
* 49/01/03 2490 Lawman's Legacy
* 49/01/05 2491 New Neighbors
49/01/07 2492 Man of Goodwill
* 49/01/10 2493 Don Mike and Estrellita
* 49/01/12 2494 Mary Robert's Legacy
* 49/01/14 2495 The Boss of Cedar Bend
* 49/01/17 2496 Joshua Biddle Returns
* 49/01/19 2497 Ring, No 1
* 49/01/21 2498 The Black Box
49/01/24 2499 Matilda's Kittens
* 49/01/26 2500 Choctaw Pass
49/01/28 2501 Ned Franklin's Grand-dad
* 49/01/31 2502 Fugitive from Injustice
* 49/02/02 2503 Man at Large
49/02/04 2504 Pop Travis' Letter
49/02/07 2505 The Bunkhouse Trap
* 49/02/09 2506 Brogan's Gang
49/02/11 2507 Girl from St Louis
49/02/14 2508 Abilene Trail
* 49/02/16 2509 Stolen Horses
49/02/18 2510 The Hero Worshipper
* 49/02/21 2511 Surprise for Red Dolan
* 49/02/23 2512 Veterans Valley
49/02/25 2513 Apache Treachery
49/02/28 2514 Night Train
* 49/03/02 2515 Rifles Underground
* 49/03/04 2516 The Hole in the Wall
* 49/03/07 2517 A Cake for Skinner
* 49/03/09 2518 The White Buffalo
49/03/11 2519 Wild West Steamboats
49/03/14 2520 Exiled
49/03/16 2521 The Whimsical Bandit
49/03/18 2522 Horse Thieves of Devil's Mesa
49/03/21 2523 Face-To-Face with Guns
49/03/23 2524 A Political Debt
49/03/25 2525 Three Against One
49/03/28 2526 Legion of Old Timers
49/03/30 2527 Where You Find It
* 49/04/01 2528 Aggie Wins Her Point
49/04/04 2529 Cancel the Five Numbers
49/04/06 2530 Special Deputy
49/04/08 2531 Liz Huntley's Gang
49/04/11 2532 Eastbound-Westbound
49/04/13 2533 Dirk Billing's Downfall
* 49/04/15 2534 A Lady Called Cannonball
* 49/04/18 2535 Badge of Friendship
49/04/20 2536 Epitaph in Tombstone
49/04/22 2537 Bushwhacker's Feud
49/04/25 2538 The Unusual Rex Morgan
* 49/04/27 2539 The Falcon Hawk
49/04/29 2540 Greg Hanson's Trickery
49/05/02 2541 The Iron Hearse
49/05/04 2542 The Gay Caballero
* 49/05/06 2543 King of the County
49/05/09 2544 A Last Request
49/05/11 2545 Re-named Town
49/05/13 2546 The Medicine Bird
49/05/16 2547 The Tenderfeet
* 49/05/18 2548 Trail of the Sioux
49/05/20 2549 Rustlers of Redstone
49/05/23 2550 A Barrel of Money
49/05/25 2551 The Friendly Enemy
49/05/27 2552 The Feud
49/05/30 2553 The Cattlebuyer
* 49/06/01 2554 Like Father, Like Son
49/06/03 2555 Savage Jackson
* 49/06/06 2556 The Belt Buckle
49/06/08 2557 The Beeler Gang
49/06/10 2558 Substitute Ranger
49/06/13 2559 Double Masquerade
49/06/15 2560 Record Run
49/06/17 2561 A Dog Named Deuce
49/06/20 2562 Guns for Hire
49/06/22 2563 The Missing Lawman
49/06/24 2564 Ambush at Sundown
49/06/27 2565 High Timber
49/06/29 2566 The Tough Little Man
49/07/01 2567 A Matter of Revenge
49/07/04 2568 The Flaming Bridge
49/07/06 2569 Dan Rides Freight
49/07/08 2570 The Three-In-One Outlaw
49/07/11 2571 The Outlaw Guard
49/07/13 2572 Alias Lawman
49/07/15 2573 Street Photographer
49/07/18 2574 Hank Keeler's Lesson
49/07/20 2575 The Hagen Raid
49/07/22 2576 The Missing Locomotive
49/07/25 2577 Trap in Gopher Canyon
49/07/27 2578 Lolita's Appointment
49/07/29 2579 Devil Dance
49/08/01 2580 The Last Outpost
49/08/03 2581 The Bigger They Are
49/08/05 2582 The Boundary
49/08/08 2583 The Clayton Mine
49/08/10 2584 Western Vengeance
49/08/12 2585 Desert Adventure
* 49/08/15 2586 White Man's Magic
49/08/17 2587 Grubstake to Murder
49/08/19 2588 Bob Dayton's Secret
49/08/22 2589 Hiram Weeks' Plan
49/08/24 2590 Misjudged Man
49/08/26 2591 When the Trapper Was Trapped
49/08/29 2592 Outlaw Lawman
* 49/08/31 2593 Gunman for Hire
* 49/09/02 2594 Word of Honor
49/09/05 2595 Mrs Sheriff
49/09/07 2596 A Deal in Crime
49/09/09 2597 The Red Wagon
49/09/12 2598 Claim Jumpers
49/09/14 2599 Outlaw's Revenge
49/09/16 2600 Wagons Westbound
49/09/19 2601 The Lynch Mob
49/09/21 2602 Foxy Outfoxed
49/09/23 2603 Medal of Honor
49/09/26 2604 Toll Bridge
49/09/28 2605 The Gentle Spanish Woman
49/09/30 2606 Beef for Lame Bear
49/10/03 2607 Barnaby Boggs, Eradicator
49/10/05 2608 Treasure Trail
49/10/07 2609 Rendezvous at the River
49/10/10 2610 Condemned Man's Return
49/10/12 2611 The Unlucky Horseshoe
49/10/14 2612 Rifles at the Railhead
49/10/17 2613 Force Against Evil
* 49/10/19 2614 The Sheriff of Gunstock
49/10/21 2615 Old Mike's Story
* 49/10/24 2616 United Nations
* 49/10/26 2617 The Medicine Horn
* 49/10/28 2618 Trigger Takes the Bait
* 49/10/31 2619 Mission by Proxy
* 49/11/02 2620 The Boastful Bandit
* 49/11/04 2621 The Thousand Mile Fight
* 49/11/07 2622 Covered Wagon Robbery
* 49/11/09 2623 Man of the House
* 49/11/11 2624 A Bad Tooth
* 49/11/14 2625 Driven Sheep
49/11/16 2626 Enough Rope
49/11/18 2627 The Widow Bandit
49/11/21 2628 Dead Man's Chest
49/11/23 2629 Pilgrim's Progress
49/11/25 2630 The Midget Deputy
49/11/28 2631 The Tennessee Kid
49/11/30 2632 Clarabelle's Mortgage
49/12/02 2633 Jim Dawson Comes Home
49/12/05 2634 The Sagebrush Roundup
49/12/07 2635 Bullets on Boot Hill
49/12/09 2636 Indian Campaign
49/12/12 2637 The Young Gentleman
* 49/12/14 2638 At the Count of Three
49/12/16 2639 Spanish Gold
49/12/19 2640 Lawman's Badge
49/12/21 2641 Character Loan
49/12/23 2642 Masked Lady
* 49/12/26 2643 Three Christmas Trees
49/12/28 2644 Forgery Frameup
49/12/30 2645 Hunter and the Hunted
* 50/01/02 2646 Sword of Honor
* 50/01/04 2647 A Look to the Future
* 50/01/06 2648 Running Iron Dodge
* 50/01/09 2649 Bud Titus Resigns
50/01/11 2650 Printer's Lead
50/01/13 2651 Matter of Proof
50/01/16 2652 The Town Bully
50/01/18 2653 End of the Yuma Kid
50/01/20 2654 Banner of Virginia
* 50/01/23 2655 The Would-be Outlaw
50/01/25 2656 The Petrified Giant
50/01/27 2657 Comanche Raid
50/01/30 2658 Run on the Bank
* 50/02/01 2659 The Adventure of the Mission Bells
50/02/03 2660 The Grayson Trail
* 50/02/06 2661 Extradition Waived
* 50/02/08 2662 Thirteen Steps to Freedom
* 50/02/10 2663 Eagle Pass
* 50/02/13 2664 The Gaycat
50/02/15 2665 The Adventure of the Long-haired Man
50/02/17 2666 One Man Rule
50/02/20 2667 One Night in Dodge
50/02/22 2668 Retired Ranger
50/02/24 2669 Chuck Gurnee's Downfall
50/02/27 2670 Two Gold Lockets
50/03/01 2671 Hobey's Rifles
* 50/03/03 2672 The Wandering Cowpoke
* 50/03/06 2673 In the Name of Justice
* 50/03/08 2674 One Jump Ahead
* 50/03/10 2675 Jane's Best Friend
* 50/03/11 2675 Kate Jack and Harry Lewis
* 50/03/13 2676 Stubborn Thunder
* 50/03/15 2677 The Hawk
* 50/03/17 2678 Outcasts of San Antone
* 50/03/20 2679 The Great Imitator
* 50/03/22 2680 Doc Stevens
* 50/03/24 2681 Frame-up
* 50/03/27 2682 Guilty Knowledge
* 50/03/29 2683 Mother Calhoun
* 50/03/31 2684 Coppertown Round-up
* 50/04/03 2685 The Indian Governor
* 50/04/05 2686 Woman of Courage
* 50/04/07 2687 The Faceless Bandit
* 50/04/10 2688 Silver Bridle Ornament
* 50/04/12 2689 Indian Trooper
* 50/04/14 2690 Sandusky's Return
* 50/04/17 2691 The Million Dollar Wallpaper
50/04/19 2692 O'Connell's Charge
50/04/21 2693 The Outcast
* 50/04/24 2694 The Adventure of the River Wolves
* 50/04/26 2695 The Silver Trail
* 50/04/28 2696 Legal Precedent
* 50/05/01 2697 Up Chisholm Trail
* 50/05/03 2698 The Plumed Hat
50/05/05 2699 Bottleneck at Panhandle
* 50/05/08 2700 The Adventure of the Phantom Steed
* 50/05/10 2701 Two of a Kind
* 50/05/12 2702 Woman in the White Mask
50/05/15 2703 The Squire
* 50/05/17 2704 Message in a Canteen
* 50/05/19 2705 The Homesteaders
* 50/05/22 2706 The Tribal Talisman
50/05/24 2707 A Drink of Water
50/05/26 2708 The Ace of Death
* 50/05/29 2709 Politics and Cattle Ticks
* 50/05/31 2710 The Sheriff's Wife
* 50/06/02 2711 Zack Fletcher's Boy
* 50/06/05 2712 Double Cattle Drive
* 50/06/07 2713 The Cimmaron Kid
50/06/09 2714 The Storm Raiders
50/06/12 2715 Bert and Pedro
* 50/06/14 2716 Call to the Colors
* 50/06/16 2717 Backtrail
50/06/19 2718 Jonathan's Cabin
* 50/06/21 2719 Mutiny at Ft Malden
* 50/06/23 2720 Prisoner at Large
* 50/06/26 2721 The Limit of the Law
50/06/28 2722 Counsel for the Defense
50/06/30 2723 Paid in Full
50/07/03 2724 Barnaby Boggs and His Self Respect
* 50/07/05 2725 Black Harney
* 50/07/07 2726 Lone Ranger Origin
* 50/07/10 2727 Mistake of the Father
50/07/12 2728 Undercover Agent
50/07/14 2729 The Sole Survivor
50/07/17 2730 Plan for Revenge
50/07/19 2731 Double Trouble
* 50/07/21 2732 The Missing Cattle
* 50/07/24 2733 Barbed Wire
50/07/26 2734 The Iron Deer
50/07/28 2735 Tenderfoot Sheepman
50/07/31 2736 For the Good of All
50/08/02 2737 Joel Melton's Son
* 50/08/04 2738 Broken Shoe Trail
50/08/07 2739 A Pigeon Called Pablo
* 50/08/09 2740 The Spiked Gun
* 50/08/11 2741 Ranchers in Arms
* 50/08/14 2742 The Smiling Caballero
* 50/08/16 2743 San Pedro Boss
* 50/08/18 2744 Traitor in the Fold
* 50/08/21 2745 Special Delivery
* 50/08/23 2746 Feud on the Range
50/08/25 2747 Homer with a High Hat
* 50/08/28 2748 Homer with Two Guns
* 50/08/30 2749 The Marriage of Ma Hank
* 50/09/01 2750 Lead for a Quitter
* 50/09/04 2751 Mountain Siege
* 50/09/06 2752 Pledge to a Dead Man
50/09/08 2753 Outlaw by Proxy
* 50/09/11 2754 The Fourth Man
* 50/09/13 2755 Special Deputy
* 50/09/15 2756 The Law Lady
* 50/09/18 2757 The Decoy
* 50/09/20 2758 Bridge of Destiny
* 50/09/22 2759 City of Refuge
* 50/09/25 2760 Downfall of Buzz Darby
* 50/09/27 2761 Terror Trail
* 50/09/29 2762 El Capitan
* 50/10/02 2763 The Tomahawk Trail
* 50/10/04 2764 The Go-Between
* 50/10/06 2765 The Lady Melissa
* 50/10/09 2766 Claim of Death
* 50/10/11 2767 The Sawtelle Saga's End
* 50/10/13 2768 A Call for Help
* 50/10/16 2769 Valley of Death
50/10/18 2770 The Tattooed Arm
* 50/10/20 2771 The Jolly Tubby Morgan
* 50/10/23 2772 Sign of the Noose
* 50/10/25 2773 Cave of Terror
* 50/10/27 2774 Marked for Death
* 50/10/30 2775 Judge Thunder
* 50/11/01 2776 Danger at Dawn
* 50/11/03 2777 Smooth Larry's Plan
* 50/11/06 2778 One-Eyed Bandit
* 50/11/08 2779 Good for Evil
* 50/11/10 2780 Phil Martin's Purpose
* 50/11/13 2781 Three Months to Live
* 50/11/15 2782 The Wash-Out
50/11/17 2783 The Prodigal Sheriff
50/11/20 2784 Dead Man's Boots
* 50/11/22 2785 The Road Show
* 50/11/24 2786 The Colonel's Son
* 50/11/27 2787 Old Ned's Adventure
* 50/11/29 2788 Rainbow Stampede
50/12/01 2789 The Halsted Roundup
50/12/04 2790 The Range Fence
* 50/12/06 2791 The Ribbon of Honor
* 50/12/08 2792 Double Life
* 50/12/11 2793 Deadly Silver
* 50/12/13 2794 The Stolen Watch
* 50/12/15 2795 Call to the Colors
* 50/12/18 2796 Marked for Death
* 50/12/20 2797 As the Arrow Points
* 50/12/22 2798 Attack at Dawn
* 50/12/25 2799 The Christmas Tree
50/12/27 2800 Imposter
* 50/12/29 2801 The Empty Stagecoach
51/01/01 2802 Path of Progress
* 51/01/03 2803 Cell Mate
* 51/01/05 2804 Glory Pass
* 51/01/08 2805 Billy-Be-Hung Returns
51/01/10 2806 Before the Firing Squad
* 51/01/12 2807 Doug's Great Adventure
* 51/01/15 2808 To Pay a Debt
* 51/01/17 2809 The Secret Six-Gun
* 51/01/19 2810 The Midnight Rider
* 51/01/22 2811 The Eagle Feather
* 51/01/24 2812 The Train from Independence
* 51/01/26 2813 Three Against Thousands
* 51/01/29 2814 Renegade Rifles
* 51/01/31 2815 Trouble in South Valley
* 51/02/02 2816 Reluctant Sheriff
* 51/02/05 2817 Rough Diamonds
51/02/07 2818 Partners in Crime
51/02/09 2819 The Shiny Knife Blade
* 51/02/12 2820 The Key of Jeopardy
* 51/02/14 2821 Winter Range War
* 51/02/16 2822 The Bridge
* 51/02/19 2823 Then There Was One
51/02/21 2824 The Dead Outlaw
51/02/23 2825 Hired for Murder
51/02/26 2826 Adventure in the Rain
51/02/28 2827 Flames of Revenge
* 51/03/02 2828 Special Edition
51/03/05 2829 The Red Roan
* 51/03/07 2830 The Colonel's Strike
* 51/03/09 2831 The Tarantula's Web
* 51/03/12 2832 Trader Boggs
51/03/14 2833 The Actor Outlaw
51/03/16 2834 Indian Charlie
* 51/03/19 2835 One Little Indian
51/03/21 2836 Ear Rings for Gretchen
51/03/23 2837 Valley of the Silver Ghosts
51/03/26 2838 Red, White and Renegade
51/03/28 2839 El Toro
51/03/30 2840 The Murder Trap
51/04/02 2841 Death on Demand
51/04/04 2842 The Big River
51/04/06 2843 Son by Adoption
51/04/09 2844 Army Nurse
51/04/11 2845 Trail to Death
* 51/04/13 2846 Shadow of the Gallows
* 51/04/16 2847 Find the Lone Ranger
51/04/18 2848 Rustlers' Hideout
51/04/20 2849 Army Scout's Gold
* 51/04/23 2850 Stand-Ins for Murder
51/04/25 2851 Tumblerock Law
51/04/27 2852 The Outlaw's Sister
51/04/30 2853 The Loyal Deserter
* 51/05/02 2854 The Forged Requisition
51/05/04 2855 Words and Ammunition
51/05/07 2856 Picklock Perkins
51/05/09 2857 Misplaced Friendship
* 51/05/11 2858 Badlands
* 51/05/14 2859 Mystery Hotel
* 51/05/16 2860 Journey to Adventure
* 51/05/18 2861 Dressed to Die
51/05/21 2862 The Death Trap
51/05/23 2863 Double Ambush
51/05/25 2864 Sinners by Proxy
* 51/05/28 2865 The New Neighbor
* 51/05/30 2866 Mesa Mountain
* 51/06/01 2867 Hunter's Hollow
* 51/06/04 2868 The Refugee Bandit
* 51/06/06 2869 The Deserter
* 51/06/08 2870 Death Will Out
* 51/06/11 2871 Tenderfoot Competitor
* 51/06/13 2872 Cattle Car Shuffle
* 51/06/15 2873 Valley of Terror
* 51/06/18 2874 The Beefsteak Rebellion
* 51/06/20 2875 Death on a Stagecoach
51/06/22 2876 Elbow Room
51/06/25 2877 The Packet
* 51/06/27 2878 Delayed Hanging
* 51/06/29 2879 Land of Promise
51/07/02 2880 Trail to Survival
* 51/07/04 2881 Shooting Star
* 51/07/06 2882 For a Lost Cause
* 51/07/09 2883 The Elusive Gunslingers
51/07/11 2884 Fire and Water
51/07/13 2885 Man of Many Faces
* 51/07/16 2886 The Red Mark
51/07/18 2887 Case Against Tonto
51/07/20 2888 Dead Men Don't Talk
* 51/07/23 2889 The Rescue
51/07/25 2890 In Search of Evidence
51/07/27 2891 Border Scheme
51/07/30 2892 The Banning Death Plot
51/08/01 2893 Marla's Country-Man
51/08/03 2894 Callahan's Clock
51/08/06 2895 Ambush at Elbow Bend
51/08/08 2896 Man Missing
* 51/08/10 2897 The Ghost Town
* 51/08/13 2898 Through the Wall
51/08/15 2899 Double Jeopardy
51/08/17 2900 Shadow of the Gallows
* 51/08/20 2901 Dave Manley Fights Again
* 51/08/22 2902 Homecoming
51/08/24 2903 Empty Strongboxes
51/08/27 2904 The Horse-triangle
* 51/08/29 2905 Gold Is Where You Find It
51/08/31 2906 The Elusive Spy
51/09/03 2907 Ace and Two of a Kind
51/09/05 2908 Action for Thunder
51/09/07 2909 The Baited Trap
* 51/09/10 2910 Renegade's Revenge
51/09/12 2911 The Step-Brother
51/09/14 2912 Death in the Forest
51/09/17 2913 Night Stage
51/09/19 2914 Death for Sale
51/09/21 2915 Sadie and the Bearded Men
51/09/24 2916 The Henderson Reveille
51/09/26 2917 Garland's Grudge
* 51/09/28 2918 The Stray Wagon
51/10/01 2919 Mexican Pursuit
51/10/03 2920 Backtrail
51/10/05 2921 Stage Fight
* 51/10/08 2922 Lew Barry's Revenge
51/10/10 2923 Double Cross Trails
51/10/12 2924 Special Investigator
51/10/15 2925 Bandits in Uniform
51/10/17 2926 Jim Bowie's Claim
51/10/19 2927 The Colonel's Command
51/10/22 2928 Gunmen of Pecos Valley
51/10/24 2929 The Navajo Trail
51/10/26 2930 End of the Quest
51/10/29 2931 The Great Bend Settlement
51/10/31 2932 The Lawton's Last Haul
51/11/02 2933 Warpaint and Feathers
51/11/05 2934 Major Ravenshaw
51/11/07 2935 The Search
* 51/11/09 2936 The Camels Are Coming
51/11/12 2937 Stage to Big Bend
51/11/14 2938 The Jesse Chase Mine
51/11/16 2939 Witness to Crime
51/11/19 2940 Mule Train on Death
* 51/11/21 2941 The Hold-Up at Sandy Point
* 51/11/23 2942 The Waterfall Gang
* 51/11/26 2943 Murder at Tricorn Ranch
51/11/28 2944 Partner in Crime
51/11/30 2945 The Bounty Hunter
51/12/03 2946 Loot and a Boot
51/12/05 2947 The Flaming Barrier
51/12/07 2948 Court Martial
51/12/10 2949 The First Snowfall
51/12/12 2950 Guns of Jeopardy
51/12/14 2951 Stranger in the Storm
51/12/17 2952 The Land Grab
51/12/19 2953 Desperado at Large
51/12/21 2954 The Stormy Trail
51/12/24 2955 Faith and the Doctor
51/12/26 2956 Nancy Appleton's Hero
51/12/28 2957 False Accusations
51/12/31 2958 Crime at Umbrella Rock
* 52/01/02 2959 The Young Easterner
* 52/01/04 2960 Orders for the East
* 52/01/07 2961 Ted Radford's Mine
* 52/01/09 2962 Brimstone Brewster
* 52/01/11 2963 Flashback
* 52/01/14 2964 Mission of Revenge
* 52/01/16 2965 Two Boys and Their Dad
* 52/01/18 2966 The Sheriff from Texas
* 52/01/21 2967 A Word of Advice
* 52/01/23 2968 In His Father's Footsteps
52/01/25 2969 Unwelcome Visitors
52/01/28 2970 Summer Dawn
* 52/01/30 2971 Stranger on a Train
52/02/01 2972 Homecoming
52/02/04 2973 A Case of Interference
* 52/02/06 2974 When Disaster Strikes
52/02/08 2975 The Coldcreek Case
* 52/02/11 2976 Shadow of Death
* 52/02/13 2977 Snowbound
* 52/02/15 2978 Paroled Man
* 52/02/18 2979 The Lawless Lawmen
* 52/02/20 2980 Best Laid Plans
* 52/02/22 2981 The Blinding Storm
* 52/02/25 2982 Tonto and the Sheriff's Son
* 52/02/27 2983 The Woman from Omaha
52/02/29 2984 The Devil's Dessert
52/03/03 2985 Halt of the Overland Train
* 52/03/05 2986 The Lost Trail
52/03/07 2987 Chet Mifflin's Ruse
52/03/10 2988 Stalled Armistice
* 52/03/12 2989 The Flame
* 52/03/14 2990 Journey to Manhood
* 52/03/17 2991 Claws of Death
* 52/03/19 2992 Rio Grande Gun Runners
* 52/03/21 2993 Roaring River Law
* 52/03/24 2994 The Rodeo Star
* 52/03/26 2995 Atonement
* 52/03/28 2996 Double-Cross
* 52/03/31 2997 Chinese Gold
* 52/04/02 2998 Across the Canyon
52/04/04 2999 The Wide Missouri
* 52/04/07 3000 Buried Gold
* 52/04/09 3001 The New Commissioner
52/04/11 3002 The Peace Pow-wow
* 52/04/14 3003 The Unexpected
* 52/04/16 3004 Trouble at the Circle-D
* 52/04/18 3005 War Horse
* 52/04/21 3006 Strange Meeting
* 52/04/23 3007 The Destroyers
* 52/04/25 3008 Horse Thief Tracks
* 52/04/28 3009 The Third Robbery
* 52/04/30 3010 Price of Treason
* 52/05/02 3011 Contraband from Cuba
* 52/05/05 3012 The Witness
* 52/05/07 3013 The Turning Point
* 52/05/09 3014 The Secret Canyon
* 52/05/12 3015 Old Olly's Hat
* 52/05/14 3016 The Brother's War
52/05/16 3017 Sign of the Blue Anchor
* 52/05/19 3018 Night Fire
* 52/05/21 3019 Prisoner Returns
* 52/05/23 3020 The Secret Witness
* 52/05/26 3021 Deathtrap for Two
* 52/05/28 3022 Dan and Bones Milbank
52/05/30 3023 Death and Taxes
* 52/06/02 3024 The Carrier Pigeon
* 52/06/04 3025 A Message Goes Wrong
* 52/06/06 3026 Key to Justice
52/06/09 3027 Snakey's Last Stand
* 52/06/11 3028 Law for Calamity
52/06/13 3029 End of the Chase
52/06/16 3030 Zanzibar
* 52/06/18 3031 Wagon of Refuge
52/06/20 3032 The Fannin' Kid
52/06/23 3033 Wall of Fire
* 52/06/25 3034 Mr Greeley Goes West
52/06/27 3035 A Piece of Silver
* 52/06/30 3036 Sal Hawkins Comes Home
52/07/02 3037 Change of Plans
52/07/04 3038 Apache Pass
52/07/07 3039 The Long Bridge
* 52/07/09 3040 Western Union Story
52/07/11 3041 Moose Miller's Fall
* 52/07/14 3042 The Lost Years
52/07/16 3043 War in Wyoming
52/07/18 3044 Murder Hunt
52/07/21 3045 The Eagle Tattoo
52/07/23 3046 Incident on the Outskirts
52/07/25 3047 The Loaded Burros
52/07/28 3048 West of Deadwood
52/07/30 3049 The Invalid
52/08/01 3050 Small Gold Nugget
52/08/04 3051 Dollars of Doom
52/08/06 3052 The Barricade
52/08/08 3053 Race Against Time
52/08/11 3054 The Young Sister
52/08/13 3055 Savage Justice
52/08/15 3056 Empty Water Barrel
* 52/08/18 3057 The Slave-runner
52/08/20 3058 The Hermit of Mile High
52/08/22 3059 The Canvas Suitcase
52/08/25 3060 Condemned Men
52/08/27 3061 The Long Trail
52/08/29 3062 The Secret Valley
52/09/01 3063 Ex-Marshal
52/09/03 3064 Lone Cedar
* 52/09/05 3065 When Death Waits
* 52/09/08 3066 The Fugitive
* 52/09/10 3067 Artist in Crime
* 52/09/12 3068 Mesa Manhunt
* 52/09/15 3069 The Placid Dutchman
* 52/09/17 3070 Jailbreak
* 52/09/19 3071 Marked Money
* 52/09/22 3072 Indian Gold
* 52/09/24 3073 Rocky Ridge Mystery
* 52/09/26 3074 The Wagondriver
* 52/09/29 3075 Strange Meeting
* 52/10/01 3076 Young Blacksmith
52/10/03 3077 The Easterner
52/10/06 3078 Tuffy Blair's Nephew
52/10/08 3079 The Welcher
52/10/10 3080 Masquerade
52/10/13 3081 The Trap
* 52/10/15 3082 Old Acquaintance
* 52/10/17 3083 Canyon Secret
* 52/10/20 3084 Meeting in the Badlands
* 52/10/22 3085 Grindstone Law
* 52/10/24 3086 Stray Bullet
* 52/10/27 3087 The Cave
* 52/10/29 3088 Ranger in Danger
* 52/10/31 3089 Silver Ransom
* 52/11/03 3090 The End of the Line
* 52/11/05 3091 The Lone Ranger Rides Again
* 52/11/07 3092 The Marauders of Pinon Creek
* 52/11/10 3093 The Extra Supplies
* 52/11/12 3094 Fair Trial
* 52/11/14 3095 Hidden Loot
* 52/11/17 3096 The Money Lender
* 52/11/19 3097 Raw Gold
* 52/11/21 3098 Jeff and Jim
* 52/11/24 3099 The Bearded Killer
* 52/11/26 3100 Distress Signal
* 52/11/28 3101 Treachery Trail
* 52/12/01 3102 The Long Trail
* 52/12/03 3103 Horses of Another Color
* 52/12/05 3104 Colorado Gold
* 52/12/08 3105 His Brother's Keeper
* 52/12/10 3106 Six-Gun Justice
* 52/12/12 3107 The Strange Fugitive
* 52/12/15 3108 The Overplay
* 52/12/17 3109 Wyoming Outlaw
* 52/12/19 3110 Apache Peril
52/12/22 3111 The Rich Tenderfoot
52/12/24 3112 The Morning Star
52/12/26 3113 Traders Cargo
52/12/29 3114 The Horse Thieves
* 52/12/31 3115 Daybreak at Cross Trails
* 53/01/02 3116 Boots and a Bloodhound
* 53/01/05 3117 A Church for Palemos
* 53/01/07 3118 Pay Dirt in Outlaws
* 53/01/09 3119 The Gunpowder
* 53/01/12 3120 Freight Line Scheme
* 53/01/14 3121 The One Peso Bill
* 53/01/16 3122 The Thunderbird Emblem
* 53/01/19 3123 The Young Prospector
* 53/01/21 3124 A Land to Be Saved
* 53/01/23 3125 Change for the Better
* 53/01/26 3126 Gold Shipment
* 53/01/28 3127 The Big Blow-up
* 53/01/30 3128 Return of Butch Cavendish
* 53/02/02 3129 Turnabout
* 53/02/04 3130 Rookie Texas Ranger
* 53/02/06 3131 Tom Fillmore's Claim
* 53/02/09 3132 Conference with General Lee
53/02/11 3133 A Child's Faith
53/02/13 3134 The Sure-Thing Man
* 53/02/16 3135 The Cigar Band
* 53/02/18 3136 The Vigilantes
* 53/02/20 3137 Loyal Betrayer
* 53/02/23 3138 End of the Trail
* 53/02/25 3139 Inky's Adventure
* 53/02/27 3140 Mystery Fires
* 53/03/02 3141 Squint-Eye
* 53/03/04 3142 Incident on the River
* 53/03/06 3143 Border Intrigue
* 53/03/09 3144 The Herd Stealers
* 53/03/11 3145 Murder on the Plains
* 53/03/13 3146 The Man on the Ridge
* 53/03/16 3147 Ambush
* 53/03/18 3148 The Glory Road
* 53/03/20 3149 Trail of Blood
* 53/03/23 3150 The Right Side
* 53/03/25 3151 The Brothers
53/03/27 3152 The Law's Deputy
* 53/03/30 3153 Looting of Lawrenceville
* 53/04/01 3154 Inky and the Printers Ink
* 53/04/03 3155 The Flaming Decoy
* 53/04/06 3156 Three Thieves
* 53/04/08 3157 The Escape
53/04/10 3158 To Die at Dawn
* 53/04/13 3159 Silver Bullet for Speck
* 53/04/15 3160 The Killer's Gun
* 53/04/17 3161 Widow Spider's Web
* 53/04/20 3162 Interrupted Journey
* 53/04/22 3163 The Outlaw Town
* 53/04/24 3164 The Partnership
* 53/04/27 3165 Snake in the Grass
* 53/04/29 3166 Eyeglass Clue
* 53/05/01 3167 Slated for Death
* 53/05/04 3168 Train Robbery
53/05/06 3169 Trail of the Rustling Boss
53/05/08 3170 A Chinaman's Chance
* 53/05/11 3171 Flight of the Martins
* 53/05/13 3172 Border Raider
* 53/05/15 3173 Two Weeks to Go
* 53/05/18 3174 The Last of the Carson Gang
* 53/05/20 3175 Refund for Thunder
53/05/22 3176 The Emissary
* 53/05/25 3177 Heritage of Treason
53/05/27 3178 Message for Fort Apache
53/05/29 3179 Renegade's Harvest
53/06/01 3180 Fateful Journey
53/06/03 3181 Nesters' Peril
53/06/05 3182 The Road to Mexico
53/06/08 3183 Murder Weapon
53/06/10 3184 The Forest of Missing Men
53/06/12 3185 The Robbery at Backbreak Hill
53/06/15 3186 New Marshal Law
53/06/17 3187 Prisoner at Large
53/06/19 3188 The Spanish Gentleman
53/06/22 3189 The Living Dead
53/06/24 3190 The Valley of New Hope
* 53/06/26 3191 Stolen Stagecoach
53/06/29 3192 Crisis at Elbow Bend
53/07/01 3193 Delay in Meeting
53/07/03 3194 Babyface Robinson
* 53/07/06 3195 The Inferno
53/07/08 3196 The Not-Too-Secret Cave
53/07/10 3197 Jornada Del Muerto
53/07/13 3198 Captive Ransom
53/07/15 3199 Deception
53/07/17 3200 Fall of a Castle
53/07/20 3201 Man Behind the Gang
53/07/22 3202 Julie Brown's Dad
53/07/24 3203 Visitor from Mexico
53/07/27 3204 Aftermath of the Little Big Horn
53/07/29 3205 Imposter
53/07/31 3206 Dust of Destiny
53/08/03 3207 Out of the Past
53/08/05 3208 Reward for Sam
53/08/07 3209 Danger in the Night
53/08/10 3210 Man Missing
53/08/12 3211 Change of Brands
* 53/08/14 3212 Strangers from the East
* 53/08/17 3213 Dan Reid's Return
* 53/08/19 3214 Dan Reid's Fight for Life
* 53/08/21 3215 The Vindictive Corrys
53/08/24 3216 Drawl of Death
* 53/08/26 3217 Mystery Hotel
* 53/08/28 3218 Deadline, Five-Fifteen
* 53/08/31 3219 Drought
* 53/09/02 3220 Rendezvous at the Little Big Horn
* 53/09/04 3221 Stolen Money
* 53/09/07 3222 The Reinforcements
* 53/09/09 3223 PT Barnum Goes West
53/09/11 3224 The Quiet Highwayman
* 53/09/14 3225 Race for Life
* 53/09/16 3226 Race to the Wire
* 53/09/18 3227 The Short Route
53/09/21 3228 The Railroad Robberies
* 53/09/23 3229 Boundary Cheaters
53/09/25 3230 The Law That Failed
53/09/28 3231 Mystery Ship
* 53/09/30 3232 The Pinkerton Man
* 53/10/02 3233 The Cattleman from Mexico
* 53/10/05 3234 The Lone Survivor
* 53/10/07 3235 Special Assignment
* 53/10/09 3236 Outlaw's Trail
* 53/10/12 3237 Framed for Robbery
* 53/10/14 3238 Garrison Finish
* 53/10/16 3239 Trapped
* 53/10/19 3240 The Pony Riders
* 53/10/21 3241 The Great Doctor Pickens
* 53/10/23 3242 "Left-Handed Killer"
* 53/10/26 3243 The Thunder Rod
* 53/10/28 3244 Bucky Hooker's Captives
* 53/10/30 3245 The Ghost Riders
* 53/11/02 3246 Horse Thieves
* 53/11/04 3247 Trapped by Fate
* 53/11/06 3248 Scout Sounds the Alarm
* 53/11/09 3249 The Winner
* 53/11/11 3250 A Change at Circle-B
* 53/11/13 3251 Jud Jackson's Plan
* 53/11/16 3252 The Lanky Outlaw
* 53/11/18 3253 Tom Fuller's Boy
* 53/11/20 3254 Trouble-Shooting
* 53/11/23 3255 Pursuit
* 53/11/25 3256 Thanksgiving in Modoc City
* 53/11/27 3257 T R Goes West
* 53/11/30 3258 Strange Allies
* 53/12/02 3259 The Globe
* 53/12/04 3260 Horse Trader's Secret
* 53/12/07 3261 The Fugitive Army
* 53/12/09 3262 Hooded Raiders
* 53/12/11 3263 Bugle of Doom
* 53/12/14 3264 The Coward
* 53/12/16 3265 The Masked Partners
* 53/12/18 3266 Sarsaparilla Kid
* 53/12/21 3267 The Cellmate
* 53/12/23 3268 Railroad to Prison
* 53/12/25 3269 The Three Wise Men
* 53/12/28 3270 Female of the Species
* 53/12/30 3271 Telescope Clue
* 54/01/01 3272 Death Rides with Daggett
* 54/01/04 3273 Crane Murder Case
* 54/01/06 3274 Dan and Sally's Adventure
* 54/01/08 3275 The White Leader
* 54/01/11 3276 Saddle Shop Keeper
* 54/01/13 3277 The Long Trail
* 54/01/15 3278 Trigger Finger
* 54/01/18 3279 The Witness
* 54/01/20 3280 The Sheepskin Coat
* 54/01/22 3281 Good Indian
* 54/01/25 3282 Bank Robbery
* 54/01/27 3283 The Black Patch
* 54/01/29 3284 The Treacherous Escort
* 54/02/01 3285 Man Alive
* 54/02/03 3286 Adventure at Rockpoint
* 54/02/05 3287 A Twist of Fate
* 54/02/08 3288 The Telltale Bullet
54/02/10 3289 The Man on Top
* 54/02/12 3290 The Mysterious Cotton Pickers
* 54/02/15 3291 The Fiery Barricade
* 54/02/17 3292 A Lesson for Congress
54/02/19 3293 The Road to Nogales
* 54/02/22 3294 Hide Hunters
54/02/24 3295 Valley of Creeping Death
* 54/02/26 3296 Johnny Becket's Courage
54/03/01 3297 Mystery Woman
* 54/03/03 3298 The Governor's Son
* 54/03/05 3299 Strange Letter
* 54/03/08 3300 Fortune in a Hat
* 54/03/10 3301 The Enfield Rifles
* 54/03/12 3302 Road to Death
* 54/03/15 3303 Mysterious Prospector
* 54/03/17 3304 Santa Anna's Treasure
54/03/19 3305 The Black Terror
* 54/03/22 3306 Tunnel to Trouble
* 54/03/24 3307 Pigs and Pete Digby
* 54/03/26 3308 Vengeance
* 54/03/29 3309 Burly Scott's Sacrifice
* 54/03/31 3310 Foxfire
* 54/04/02 3311 The Outcast
* 54/04/05 3312 Hideout
* 54/04/07 3313 The Crystal Ball
* 54/04/09 3314 The War Makers
* 54/04/12 3315 Go-Between
* 54/04/14 3316 Thunder and Dynamite
54/04/16 3317 The Thief
* 54/04/19 3318 Hidden Danger
* 54/04/21 3319 Hunted
* 54/04/23 3320 About Face
* 54/04/26 3321 The Courageous Coward
* 54/04/28 3322 The Last of the Gang
* 54/04/30 3323 Death Trail
* 54/05/03 3324 Two Little Men
* 54/05/05 3325 Interrupted Journey
* 54/05/07 3326 When Death Waits
* 54/05/10 3327 Framed
* 54/05/12 3328 Infernal Machine
* 54/05/14 3329 Badge of Honor
* 54/05/17 3330 The Brightest Star
* 54/05/19 3331 Laugh of Death
* 54/05/21 3332 The Wrong Man
* 54/05/24 3333 Missing Heir
* 54/05/26 3334 The Mystery Bandit
* 54/05/28 3335 Flaming Arrows
* 54/05/31 3336 Danger on the Plains
54/06/02 3337 The Young Mexican
* 54/06/04 3338 The Keelboat
* 54/06/07 3339 Outlaw's Town
* 54/06/09 3340 Birthday for Billy
* 54/06/11 3341 Fiery Death Trap
* 54/06/14 3342 The Army Mule
* 54/06/16 3343 Shrimp Butler
* 54/06/18 3344 Marked for Murder
* 54/06/21 3345 Hidden Loot
* 54/06/23 3346 Kill or Be Killed
* 54/06/25 3347 Race Against Sunrise
* 54/06/28 3348 The Gentle Tucson Thorpe
54/06/30 3349 Delayed Justice
* 54/07/02 3350 The Colonel's Daughter
* 54/07/05 3351 Young Investigator
* 54/07/07 3352 Mysterious Mission
* 54/07/09 3353 Trouble at the Rafter H
* 54/07/12 3354 The Show Wagons
* 54/07/14 3355 Boots and the Rodeo
* 54/07/16 3356 Billy Tilden's Mission
* 54/07/19 3357 The Silver Colt
* 54/07/21 3358 Matter of Life or Death
54/07/23 3359 The Paleta Diamond
* 54/07/26 3360 The Notorious El Diablo
* 54/07/28 3361 Flood Waters
* 54/07/30 3362 Double Frame-up
* 54/08/02 3363 Chief and the Colonel
* 54/08/04 3364 Diamond Mission
* 54/08/06 3365 Cigars and Dust
* 54/08/09 3366 The Runaway
* 54/08/11 3367 Golden Cargo
* 54/08/13 3368 Fugitive
* 54/08/16 3369 Hombre from Mexico
* 54/08/18 3370 Friend in Need
* 54/08/20 3371 Renegade Leader
* 54/08/23 3372 Dead Man
54/08/25 3373 Prisoners at Large
* 54/08/27 3374 Crime Wave aka Wilson Brothers Escape Jail
* 54/08/30 3375 Teacher's Brother
* 54/09/01 3376 I O U
* 54/09/03 3377 Cold Spring Showdown (Last Original 'Live' Broadcast)
* 54/09/06 3114 The Horse Thieves
* 54/09/08 3115 Daybreak at Cross Trails
* 54/09/09 2598 The Fugitive
* 54/09/10 3116 Boots and A Bloodhound
* 54/09/13 3117 A Church for Palermos
* 54/09/15 3118 Paydirt In Outlaws
* 54/09/17 3119 The Gunpowder
* 54/09/20 3120 Freightline Scheme
* 54/09/22 3121 The One Peso Bill
* 54/09/24 3122 The Thunderbird Emblem
* 54/09/27 3123 The Young Prospector
* 54/09/29 3124 A Land to Be Saved
* 54/10/01 3125 Change for the Better
* 54/10/04 3126 Gold Shipment
* 54/10/06 3127 The Big Blow-Up
54/10/08 3128 Return Of Cavindish
* 54/10/11 3129 Turnabout
* 54/10/12 3156 Three Thieves (2)
* 54/10/13 3130 Rookie Texas Ranger
* 54/10/15 3131 Tom Filmore's Claim
* 54/10/18 3132 Conference with General Lee
54/10/20 3133 A Child's Faith
54/10/22 3134 The Sure Thing Man
* 54/10/25 3135 Cigar Band
* 54/10/27 3236 The Vigilantes
* 54/10/29 3137 Loyal Betrayer
* 54/11/01 3138 End of the Trail
* 54/11/03 3139 Inky's Adventure
* 54/11/05 3140 Mystery Fires
* 54/11/08 3141 Squint Eye
* 54/11/10 3142 Incident On The River
* 54/11/12 3143 Border Intrigue
* 54/11/15 3144 The Herd Stealers
* 54/11/17 3145 Murder on the Plains
* 54/11/19 3146 The Man On The Ridge
54/11/22 3147 Ambush
* 54/11/24 3148 The Glory Road
* 54/11/26 3149 Trail Of Blood
* 54/11/29 3150 The Right Side
54/12/01 3151 The Brothers
54/12/03 3152 The Laws Deputy
* 54/12/06 3153 Looting Of Lawrenceville
* 54/12/08 3154 Inky And The Printer's Ink
* 54/12/10 3156 Three Thieves
* 54/12/13 3157 The Escape
54/12/15 3158 To Die At Dawn
* 54/12/17 3159 Silver Bullet For Speck
* 54/12/20 3160 The Killers Gun
* 54/12/22 3161 Widow Spider's Web
54/12/24 3270 The Three Wise Men
* 54/12/27 3162 Interrupted Journey
* 54/12/29 3163 Outlaw Town
* 54/12/31 3164 The Partnership
* 55/01/03 3165 Snake in the Grass
55/01/05 3166 Eyeglass Clue
* 55/01/07 3167 Slated For Death
* 55/01/10 3168 Train Robbery
* 55/01/12 3169 Trail Of The Rustling Boss
* 55/01/14 3170 A Chinaman's Chance
* 55/01/17 3171 Flight Of The Martins
* 55/01/19 3172 Border Raider
55/01/21 3173 Two Weeks To Go
* 55/01/24 3174 Last Of The Carson Gang
* 55/01/26 3175 Refund for Thunder
* 55/01/28 3176 The Emissary
* 55/01/31 3177 Heritage Of Treason
55/02/02 3178 Message For Fort Apache
55/02/04 3179 Renegade's Harvest
55/02/07 3180 Fateful Journey
55/02/09 3181 Nester's Peril
55/02/11 3182 The Road To Mexico
55/02/14 3183 Murder Weapon
55/02/16 3184 The Forest Of Missing Men
55/02/18 3185 The Robbery At Backbreak Hill
55/02/21 3186 New Marshal Law
55/02/23 3187 Prisoner At Large
55/02/25 3188 The Spanish Gentlemen
55/02/28 3189 The Living Dead
55/03/02 3190 The Valley Of New Hope
55/03/04 3191 Stolen Stagecoach
55/03/07 3192 Crisis At Rainbow Hill
55/03/09 3193 Delay In Meeting
55/03/11 3194 Babyface Robinson
* 55/03/14 3195 The Inferno
55/03/16 3196 The Not Too Secret Cave
55/03/18 3197 Jornada Del Muerto
55/03/21 3198 Captive Ransom
55/03/23 3199 Deception
55/03/25 3200 Fall Of A Castle
55/03/28 3201 The Man Behind The Gang
55/03/30 3202 Julie Brown's Dad
55/04/01 3203 The Visitor From Mexico
55/04/04 3204 The Aftermath Of The Little Big Horn
55/04/06 3205 Impostor
55/04/08 3206 Dust Of Destiny
55/04/11 3207 Out Of The Past
55/04/13 3208 Reward For Sam
55/04/15 3209 Danger In The Night
55/04/18 3210 Man Missing
55/04/20 3211 Change Of Brands
* 55/04/22 3112 Strangers From The East
* 55/04/25 3113 Dan Reid's Return
* 55/04/27 3214 Dan Reid's Fight For Life
* 55/04/29 3215 The Vindictive Corrys
55/05/02 3216 Drawl Of Death
* 55/05/04 3217 Mystery Hotel
* 55/05/06 3218 Deadline
* 55/05/09 3219 Drought
* 55/05/11 3220 Rendezvous At Little Big Horn
* 55/05/13 3221 Stolen Money
55/05/16 3222 The Reinforcements
* 55/05/18 3223 P T Barnum Goes West
* 55/05/20 3224 The Quiet Highwayman
55/05/23 3225 Race For Life
* 55/05/25 3226 Race To The Wire
55/05/27 3227 The Short Route
* 55/05/30 3228 The Railroad Robberies
* 55/06/01 3229 Boundary Cheaters
* 55/06/03 3230 The Law That Failed
* 55/06/06 3231 The Cattleman From Mexico
* 55/06/08 3232 The Pinkerton Man
* 55/06/10 3233 The Cattlemen From Mexico
* 55/06/13 3234 The Lone Survivor
* 55/06/15 3235 Special Assignment
* 55/06/17 3236 Outlaw's Trail
* 55/06/20 3237 Framed For Robbery
* 55/06/22 3238 Garrison Finish
* 55/06/24 3239 Trapped By Fate
* 55/06/27 3240 The Pony Riders
* 55/06/29 3241 The Great Doctor Pickins
* 55/07/01 3242 The Left-Handed Killer
* 55/07/04 3243 The Thunder Rod
* 55/07/06 3244 Becky Hooker's Captives
* 55/07/08 3245 The Ghost Riders
* 55/07/11 3246 Horse Thieves
* 55/07/13 3247 Trapped By Fate
* 55/07/15 3248 Scout Sounds The Alarm
* 55/07/18 3249 The Winner
* 55/07/20 3250 A Change At The Circle-B
* 55/07/22 3251 Jud Jackson's Plan
* 55/07/25 3252 The Lanky Outlaw
* 55/07/27 3253 Tom Fuller's Boy
* 55/07/29 3254 Trouble Shooting
* 55/08/01 3255 Pursuit
* 55/08/03 3256 Thanksgiving In Modoc City
55/08/05 3257 T R Goes West
55/08/08 3258 Strange Allies
55/08/10 3259 The Globe
55/08/12 3260 Horse Trader's Secret
55/08/15 3261 The Fugitive Army
55/08/17 3262 Hooded Raiders
55/08/19 3263 Bugle Of Doom
55/08/22 3264 The Coward
55/08/24 3265 The Masked Partners
55/08/26 3266 Sasparilla Kid
55/08/29 3267 The Cellmate
55/08/31 3268 Railroad To Prison
55/09/07 3278 Trigger Finger
55/09/08 2778 One Eyed Bandit
55/09/09 2779 Good For Evil
55/09/12 3279 The Witness
55/09/13 2790 Phil Martin's Purpose
55/09/14 2781 Three Months To Live
55/09/15 3289 The Sheepskin Coat
55/09/16 2782 The Wash Out
55/09/19 3281 Good Indian
55/11/04 Mystery Woman
55/12/16 3314 The War Makers
55/12/19 3315 The Go-between
55/12/20 2832 Trader Boggs
55/12/21 3316 Thunder and Dynamite
55/12/22 2835 One Little Indian
55/12/23 2799 The Christmas Tree
55/12/26 3317 Hidden Danger
55/12/27 2850 Stand-ins For Murder
55/12/28 3319 Hunted
55/12/29 2854 The Forged Requisition
55/12/30 3320 About Face
56/01/02 3327 Framed
56/02/07 2981 Shooting Star
56/02/09 2883 The Elusive Gunslingers
56/02/10 3339 Outlaw's Town
56/02/13 3340 Birthday For Billy
56/02/15 3341 Fiery Death Trap
56/02/16 2897 The Ghost Town
56/02/17 3342 The Army Mule
56/02/20 3343 Shrimp Butler
56/02/21 2901 Dave Manley Fights Again
56/02/22 3344 Marked For Murder
56/02/23 2918 The Stray Wagon
56/02/24 3345 Hidden Loot
56/02/27 3346 Kill Or Be Killed
56/02/28 2925 Bandits In Uniform
56/02/29 3347 Race Against Sunrise
56/03/01 2927 The Colonel's Command
56/03/02 3348 The Gentle Tuscon Thorpe
56/03/05 3350 The Colonel's Daughter
56/03/06 2775 Judge Thunder
56/03/07 3351 Young Investigator
56/03/08 3776 Danger At Dawn
56/03/09 3352 Mysterious Mission
56/03/12 3353 Trouble At The Rafter H
56/04/15 3368 Golden Cargo
56/04/16 3368 Fugitive
56/04/17 2657 Comanche Raid
56/04/18 3369 Hombre From Mexico
56/04/19 2658 Run On The Bank
56/04/20 3370 Friend In Need
56/04/23 3371 Renegade Leader
56/04/24 3372 The Adventure Of The Mission Bells
56/04/25 3373 Dead Man
56/04/26 2649 Bud Titus Resigns
56/04/27 3374 Crime Wave
56/04/30 3375 Teacher's Brother
56/05/01 2660 The Grayson Trail
56/05/02 3376 I O U
56/05/03 2661 Extradition Waived
56/05/04 3377 Cold Spring Showdown
56/05/07 2662 Thirteen Steps to Freedom
56/05/08 2672 The Wandering Cowboy
56/05/09 2376 In The Name Of Justice
56/05/10 2674 One Jump Ahead
56/05/11 2675 Janes Best Friend
56/05/14 2676 Stubborn Thunder
56/05/15 2682 Guilty Knowledge
56/05/16 2586 Woman of Courage
56/05/17 2689 Indian Trooper


Old Time Radio Researchers OTTER database
